lochia serosa


 [lo´ke-ah] a vaginal discharge occurring after childbirth. Lochia discharge should be checked every 15 minutes for the first hour after delivery, once every hour for the first 8 hours, and then every 8 hours. adj., adj lo´chial.lochia al´ba the final vaginal discharge after childbirth, largely mucus, when the amount of blood is decreased and the leukocytes are increased; it is usually of 10 to 14 days' duration but may last for 6 weeks.lochia cruen´ta lochia rubra.lochia purulen´ta lochia alba.lochia ru´bra that occurring immediately after childbirth, consisting of blood, fragments of decidua, and mucus. It usually lasts from 1 to 3 days.lochia sanguinolen´ta (lochia sero´sa) the vaginal discharge occurring 3 to 10 days after delivery. It is pink or brown-tinged and contains blood, mucus, and leukocytes.

lo·chi·a se·ro·'sa

a thin and watery lochia.

lochia serosa

The second stage of the postpartum healing process, when the vaginal discharge is thin, watery, and tinged pink or brown. This stage occurs approx. 5 days postpartum. See also: lochia