McKinney Falls State Park

McKinney Falls State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Texas
Location:13 miles southeast of Austin off US 183.
Facilities:Campsites with water and electricity hookups, tent camping, showers, restrooms, shelter with bunk beds, picnic areas, screened shelters, historic structure, interpretive center, hiking trails, nature trails, bike trails, amphitheater, playground, park store.
Activities:Camping, fishing, swimming, hiking, bicycling.
Special Features:Park is named for Thomas F. McKinney (1801-1873), one of Stephen F. Austin's original colonists. McKinney became a prominent breeder of race horses, with his own stable and private track. Preserved in the park are the ruins of his trainer's cabin and the stabilized ruins of his own homestead dating to the mid-1800s.
Address:5808 McKinney Falls Pkwy
Austin, TX 78744

Size: 744 acres.

See other parks in Texas.