

单词 lc



abbr.1. landing craft2. Library of Congress


abbr. lowercase


abbreviation for 1. left centre (of a stage, etc) 2. loco citato 3. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing lower case [(for sense 2) Latin: in the place cited]


the internet domain name for (Computer Science) Saint Lucia


(in the US) abbreviation for (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Library of Congress


landing craft.


Library of Congress.


1. left center. 2. letter of credit. 3. in the place cited. [< Latin locō citātō] 4. lowercase.


or l/c,

letter of credit.



(networking)The country code for Saint Lucia.


(1) (Lower Case) See case sensitive.

(2) (Liquid Crystal) See LCD.

(3) (Low-cost Color) See Macintosh models - early.

(4) (Liquid Coupled) A method for attaching the lens to the CRT in a CRT-based movie projector. A liquid chamber is placed between lens and CRT, and the liquid reduces the halo effect caused by reflections bouncing back from the lens into the tube face. See front-projection TV.



Abbreviation for lethal concentration.


(ko-lit'is) [ col- + -itis] Inflammation of the colon. See: dysentery; gay bowel syndrome; Crohn disease

amebic colitis


antibiotic-associated colitis

Antibiotic-induced diarrhea. See: pseudomembranous colitis

collagenous colitis

Abbreviation: CC
Chronic watery diarrhea of unknown cause, in which the appearance of the bowel during endoscopy is normal. Biopsies of the bowel wall reveal thickening of the collagen layer beneath the colonic epithelium. CC is ten times more common in women than in men and is usually diagnosed in people aged 40 to 60.

E. coli 0157:H7 colitis

An infectious, bloody diarrhea caused by Escherichia coli 0157:H7. See: E. coli 0157:H7.

infectious colitis

Colitis caused by pathogens such as amebas, bacteria, and protozoa. It may be caused by Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, Escherichia coli, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia, Salmonella, , and Shigella.

lymphocytic colitis

Abbreviation: LC
Chronic watery diarrhea of unknown cause, in which the endoscopic and radiological appearance of the bowel wall is normal. Biopsies of the bowel wall reveal excessive numbers of lymphocytes within the intestinal epithelium. LC is equally common in men and women and is usually diagnosed in people aged 40 to 60.

microscopic colitis

Abbreviation: MC
Either of two forms of colitis (collagenous and lymphocytic), in which people have chronic, watery diarrhea despite having normal-appearing bowels during endoscopy or radiologic study.

pseudomembranous colitis

Colitis associated with antibiotic therapy and, sometimes, with chronic debilitating illnesses in adult patients in the community. It is caused by one of two exotoxins produced by Clostridium difficile, which is part of the normal intestinal flora. Broad-spectrum antibiotics disrupt the normal balance of the intestinal flora and allow an overgrowth of strains that produce toxins. The exotoxins damage the mucosa of the colon and produce a pseudomembrane composed of inflammatory exudate. The symptoms (foul-smelling diarrhea with gross blood and mucus, abdominal cramps, fever, and leukocytosis) usually begin 4 to 10 days after the start of antibiotic therapy. The disease is treated by discontinuing previously prescribed antibiotics and beginning therapy with oral metronidazole; use of vancomycin should be limited to patients who do not respond to metronidazole. Diarrhea may reappear in approx. 20% of patients after treatment, necessitating a second course of therapy.

radiation colitis

Colitis due to damage of the bowel by radiation therapy. The symptoms are those of an inflamed bowel (pain, cramps, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding). Malabsorption may develop as a result of permanent injury to the mucosa.

ulcerative colitis

Colitis marked pathologically by continuous inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, which typically involves the anus, rectum, and distal colon, and sometimes affects the entire large intestine. It occurs most often in patients during the second or third decade of life, although a second cluster of cases occurs in patients in their sixties. The disease is associated with an increased incidence of cancer of the colon. Crohn disease; inflammatory bowel disease;


Bloody diarrhea and pain with the passage of stools are characteristic. In severe cases, patients may have more than 6 bloody bowel movements in a day. Iron deficiency anemia often develops as a result.


Aminosalicylate drugs and corticosteroids decrease symptoms and improve inflammation. Patients with refractory disease may require colectomy.

Patient care

The patient is prepared for diagnostic studies (sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, barium enema, CT scan) and is told that the procedure can be uncomfortable and fatiguing. He is taught to understand and participate in treatment goals: controlling inflammation, maintaining or restoring fluid and electrolyte balance, receiving adequate nutrition and replacing nutritional losses, and preventing complications. The nurse or dietitian teaches the patient about dietary intake, which should be high-caloric, nonspicy, caffeine-free, and low in high residue foods and milk products. Actual dietary and caloric intake must be documented. If the patient is unable to take fluids by mouth, intravenous (IV) fluid and electrolyte replacement or parenteral nutrition are instituted as prescribed. Fluid intake and output are monitored, particularly for frequency, volume, and characteristics of diarrhea. The patient is monitored for dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, particularly hypokalemia, hypernatremia, and anemia.

Prescribed drug therapy is administered; the patient is evaluated for desired and adverse effects and is taught about the particulars of his regimen, which usually includes sulfasalazine (5-ASA), prescribed for its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory effects. Studies have shown that, in high-risk patients, 5-ASA given both orally and by enema appears to sustain remission better than oral therapy alone. Since 5-ASA interferes with folate metabolism, use of a folate supplement is encouraged. Corticosteroids such as prednisone often are prescribed to reduce inflammation. The patient is taught that once clinical remission is achieved, steroid therapy can be tapered gradually and discontinued, but should never be summarily stopped. If the patient requires prolonged steroid therapy, he must report gastric irritation, edema, personality changes, moon face, and hirsutism. Corticosteroids given chronically may produce many serious side effects, including bone loss, diabetes mellitus, and cataracts. Antispasmodic and antidiarrheal agents (tincture of belladonna, diphenoxylate, loperamide) are used rarely and with great caution because they can precipitate colonic dilation (toxic megacolon). Measures to prevent perianal skin breakdown are reviewed, e.g., cleaning the rectal area thoroughly but gently following each bowel movement, applying a moisture barrier such as petroleum jelly, and changing position frequently.

While surgery is considered only for patients who do not respond to pharmacological therapies, several surgical procedures are available to attempt to preserve rectal evacuation. Bowel surgeries require a special antibiotic preparation, and postoperative care includes all general patient care concerns. In addition, a temporary nasogastric tube is usually inserted, and a diet is gradually advanced after removal of the tube. The patient may have a permanent or temporary stoma or a pouch ileostomy and requires ongoing teaching and support from a stomal therapist and support groups for help and management.

lymphocytic colitis

Abbreviation: LC
Chronic watery diarrhea of unknown cause, in which the endoscopic and radiological appearance of the bowel wall is normal. Biopsies of the bowel wall reveal excessive numbers of lymphocytes within the intestinal epithelium. LC is equally common in men and women and is usually diagnosed in people aged 40 to 60. See also: colitis



abbreviation for LORD CHANCELLOR.



The two-character ISO 3166 country code for SAINT LUCIA.


1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the Republic of Saint Lucia. This is the code used in international transactions to and from Saint Lucian bank accounts.

2. ISO 3166-2 geocode for Saint Lucia. This is used as an international standard for shipping to Saint Lucia. Each Saint Lucian quarter has its own code with the prefix "LC." For example, the code for the Quarter of Praslin is ISO 3166-2:LC-09.


LCLibrary of Congress (US)
LCLiquid Chromatography
LCLake City (ammunition headstamp)
LCLeast Concern (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Lower Risk sub-category)
LCLiquid Crystal
LCSaint Lucia (ISO country code, top level domain)
LCLocal Call
LCLow Cost
LCLower Case
LCLactation Consultant
LCLetter of Credit
LCLearning Center
LCLouisiana College (Pineville, Louisiana)
LCLauren Conrad (actress)
LCLynchburg College (Virginia)
LCLine Card
LCLethal Concentration
LCLand Cover
LCLions Club
LCLegion of Christ (Roman Catholic religious institute)
LCLow Carb (low carbohydrate diet)
LCLiberty City (gaming, Grand Theft Auto)
LCLaunch Complex
LCLewis and Clark Community College (Godfrey, IL)
LCLocal Currency
LCLaptop Computer
LCLow-Carbohydrate (diet)
LCLas Cruces (New Mexico town)
LCLocal Committee
LCLincoln County
LCLearning Communities (various universities)
LCLucky Charms
LCLeague Cup (UK football tournament)
LCLocal Control
LCLanguage Code
LCLevel Control
LCLow Class
LCLeft Click
LCLow Carbon
LCLow Confidence
LCLife Coach
LCLogistics Center
LCLibrary Council
LCLow Compression
LCLimited Company
LCLa Canada (California)
LCLuther College (Dechorah, Iowa)
LCLara Croft (Tomb Raider)
LCLiver Cirrhosis
LCLieutenant Colonel
LCLeakage Current
LCLocus Coeruleus
LCLink Connection
LCLacrosse Club (various locations)
LCLove Connection (TV show)
LCLaunch Countdown (US NASA)
LCLeft Center (Stage)
LCLine Conditioner
LCLabel Code (IFPI)
LCLabour Court
LCLos Cabos (Mexico)
LCLinfield College (Oregon)
LCLesser Curvature (stomach)
LCLeast Common
LCLong Colt
LCLanding Craft
LCLittle Child (Beatles song)
LCLinux Computer
LCLine Control
LCLetter Carrier (Canada Post)
LCLove Canal
LCLower Class
LCLacuna Coil (band)
LCLord Chancellor
LCListening Comprehension
LCLogan County
LCLymphocytic Colitis (medical disorder)
LCLittoral Combat (US Navy)
LCLance Corporal
LCLibrary Computer
LCLevel Crossing (UK Ordnance survey map)
LCLecco, Lombardia (Italian province)
LCLand Contract
LCLegendary Classic (motorcycle)
LCLinear Control
LCLine of Contact
LCLighting Certified
LCLine Circuit
LCLotus Connector
LCLeadership Challenge
LCLogical Connection
LCLocal Channel
LCLawrence Central (High School)
LCLearning Collaborative
LCLimited Capability
LCLower Canada
LCLocal Coordinator
LCLine Cost
LCLogic Colloquium
LCLine Charge
LCLeningrad Cowboys (Finnish band)
LCLight Case
LCLeslie Consulting (New Mexico)
LCLoad Constant (NIOSH)
LCLogistics Command
LCLung Center
LCLetters and Cards (US Postal Service)
LCLucent Connector (fiber optic connector with a 1.25mm ferrule)
LCLow Coupling
LCLetter Contract
LCLinear Coefficient
LCLeaky Cauldron (Harry Potter fan site)
LCLogistics Coordinator
LCLoud & Clear (logging abbreviation)
LCLansdale Catholic (Pennsylvania)
LCLarge Crown (philatelic watermark; British)
LCListchecker (application)
LCLaunch Critical (US NASA)
LCLake Cowichan (British Columbia, Canada)
LCInductor-Capacitor circuit (L is the symbol for inductance)
LCLorentz Contraction (aka time dilation)
LCLipa City (Batangas, Philippines)
LCLicensed Companion
LCLiquid Concentration
LCLoco Citato (Latin)
LCLocked Closed
LCLegal Consolidation
LCLegionnaires of Christ (religious order)
LCLoopback Capability (ATM)
LCLeafcull (gaming, Asheron's Call)
LCLatvia's Way Union
LCLead Count
LCLane Controller
LCLethal Commandos (online gaming)
LCLawncrest (Philadelphia neighborhood)
LCLimited Certification
LCLoopback Circuit (HSSI)
LCLaboratory Counsel
LCLate Counter
LCLittle Connector (fiber optics)
LCLarge Custom Built
LCLodge Chief (Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America)
LCLancaster and Chester Railway Company
LCLaboratory Ceiling
LCLymphocytic Cholangitis
LCLaunch Cancellation
LCLampert Connector (fiber optics)
LCLinked Characteristic
LCLargest Comb (poultry science)
LCL. Ron Hubbard Communicator (Church of Scientology)
LCLogic/Logical Channel
LCLauncher Console
LCLabor Capture
LCLacking Component
LCLepidoptera of Caucasus Region
LCLimited Configuration/Coordinating
LCLattice Computing
LCLiscomb Complex




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