Acronym | Definition |
LBR➣Liberia (ISO Country code) |
LBR➣Library (File Name Extension) |
LBR➣Lumber |
LBR➣Librarian |
LBR➣Lilac Breasted Roller (bird) |
LBR➣Lamin B Receptor (cell biology) |
LBR➣Library File |
LBR➣Label Bit Rate |
LBR➣Landelijk Bureau Ter Bestrijding Van Rassendiscriminatie (Dutch: National Bureau against Racial Discrimination) |
LBR➣Low Bit Rate |
LBR➣Legislative Budget Request |
LBR➣Laser Beam Recorder |
LBR➣Late Blight Resistant (agriculture) |
LBR➣Lord Blackthorn's Revenge (game) |
LBR➣London Bridge Resort (Arizona) |
LBR➣Load Backrest (forklift dimension) |
LBR➣Little Boy's Room |
LBR➣Load Balanced Routing |
LBR➣Lowville and Beaver River (railroad) |
LBR➣Limerock Bearing Ratio (technical specifications) |
LBR➣Load Balancing Router |
LBR➣Local Base Rescue |
LBR➣Laser Beam Rider |
LBR➣Loose Body Removal (surgery) |
LBR➣Losers Beyond Repair |
LBR➣Label Bit Rate (Cisco) |
LBR➣Loopback Request |
LBR➣Low Burning Rate |
LBR➣Let's Be Real (various applications) |
LBR➣low birth-rate |
LBR➣Large Business Remote |
LBR➣Long Barreled Revolver |
LBR➣Learn by Rote |
LBR➣Low Band Radome (EA-6B program) |
LBR➣Large Breeder Reactor |
LBR➣Lazy Boy Recordz |
LBR➣Ligand-Binding Repeat |
LBR➣Low Band Receiver |
LBR➣Local Bridge Replacement |
LBR➣Load Bearing Ratio |
LBR➣Loyalty before Royalty |