Acronym | Definition |
NED➣Netherlands |
NED➣National Endowment for Democracy (also seen as NEFD) |
NED➣North East Derbyshire (UK) |
NED➣National Elevation Dataset (USGS) |
NED➣New Equipment Digest (magazine) |
NED➣No Evidence of Disease |
NED➣Non-Executive Director |
NED➣Not Enough Data |
NED➣NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database |
NED➣New England Dragway (racing; Epping, NH) |
NED➣New Editor |
NED➣Nonstop Enterprise Division |
NED➣Norton Emergency Disk |
NED➣National Elevation Dataset |
NED➣National Economic Development |
NED➣New Era Dianetics (by L. Ron Hubbard) |
NED➣New English Dictionary |
NED➣No Expiration Date (coupons) |
NED➣New England District (USACE) |
NED➣North East Down |
NED➣Nano Emissive Display |
NED➣Notice of Election and Demand (Foreclosure) |
NED➣Non-Educated Delinquent (Scotland) |
NED➣Non Educated Delinquent |
NED➣National Exercise Division (US FEMA) |
NED➣National Eye Database (Ministry of Health; Malaysia) |
NED➣Nuclear Engineering Department |
NED➣Network Enterprise Domain (JTRS) |
NED➣Nuclear Engineering Division (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) |
NED➣Northern Electricity Department (Ghana) |
NED➣NonStop Enterprise Division (Hewlett-Packard) |
NED➣Network Element Driver (computing) |
NED➣Nuclear Event Detector |
NED➣National Enrollment Database |
NED➣New Exporter Development (Austrade) |
NED➣Nadirshaw Edulji Dinshaw (University of Engineering and Technology Karachi, Pakistan) |
NED➣Northeast Distant Statistical Sampling Area (fisheries) |
NED➣NATO Effective Date |
NED➣Normalized Euclidian Distance |
NED➣Neuroendocrine Disruption |
NED➣National Examination Data |
NED➣Nuclear Effects Directorate |
NED➣Noble Engineering & Development |
NED➣NetView - DECnet Interface |
NED➣Nadir Edulgee Dinshaw (University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi) |
NED➣NVidia Experimental Driver |
NED➣Network Engineering Document |
NED➣Network Equipment Databasing |
NED➣Nikkei Electronics Digital (magazine; Japan) |