

单词 ned



(nɛd) n (Peoples) slang derogatory Scot a young working-class male who dresses in casual sports clothes[C20: a shortened form of Edward] ˈneddy, ˈneddish adj


or N.E.D.,

New English Dictionary (Oxford English Dictionary).


(as) game as Ned Kelly

Very courageous. Ned Kelly was a notorious 19th-century Australian outlaw. Primarily heard in Australia. You have to be as game as Ned Kelly to go into a dangerous place like that!See also: game, Kelly, Ned

as game as Ned Kelly

very brave. Australian Ned Kelly ( 1855–80 ) was a famous Australian outlaw, the leader of a band of horse and cattle thieves and bank raiders operating in Victoria; he was eventually hanged at Melbourne.See also: game, Kelly, Ned



Abbreviation for:
neuroectodermal dysplasia
neuroendocrine differentiation
no effort detected
no evidence of disease
non-executive director
normal equivalent deviation


No evidence of disease


NEDNational Endowment for Democracy (also seen as NEFD)
NEDNorth East Derbyshire (UK)
NEDNational Elevation Dataset (USGS)
NEDNew Equipment Digest (magazine)
NEDNo Evidence of Disease
NEDNon-Executive Director
NEDNot Enough Data
NEDNASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
NEDNew England Dragway (racing; Epping, NH)
NEDNew Editor
NEDNonstop Enterprise Division
NEDNorton Emergency Disk
NEDNational Elevation Dataset
NEDNational Economic Development
NEDNew Era Dianetics (by L. Ron Hubbard)
NEDNew English Dictionary
NEDNo Expiration Date (coupons)
NEDNew England District (USACE)
NEDNorth East Down
NEDNano Emissive Display
NEDNotice of Election and Demand (Foreclosure)
NEDNon-Educated Delinquent (Scotland)
NEDNon Educated Delinquent
NEDNational Exercise Division (US FEMA)
NEDNational Eye Database (Ministry of Health; Malaysia)
NEDNuclear Engineering Department
NEDNetwork Enterprise Domain (JTRS)
NEDNuclear Engineering Division (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
NEDNorthern Electricity Department (Ghana)
NEDNonStop Enterprise Division (Hewlett-Packard)
NEDNetwork Element Driver (computing)
NEDNuclear Event Detector
NEDNational Enrollment Database
NEDNew Exporter Development (Austrade)
NEDNadirshaw Edulji Dinshaw (University of Engineering and Technology Karachi, Pakistan)
NEDNortheast Distant Statistical Sampling Area (fisheries)
NEDNATO Effective Date
NEDNormalized Euclidian Distance
NEDNeuroendocrine Disruption
NEDNational Examination Data
NEDNuclear Effects Directorate
NEDNoble Engineering & Development
NEDNetView - DECnet Interface
NEDNadir Edulgee Dinshaw (University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi)
NEDNVidia Experimental Driver
NEDNetwork Engineering Document
NEDNetwork Equipment Databasing
NEDNikkei Electronics Digital (magazine; Japan)




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