

 [nik-tal´jah] pain that occurs only in sleep.


(nik-tal'jē-ă), Pain that characteristically occurs at night (for example, nocturnal bone pain experienced by patients with syphilis). Synonym(s): night pain [nyct- + G. algos, pain]


A nonspecific term of uncertain clinical utility for pain occurring at night; it is not used in the working medical parlance.


(nik-tal'jē-ă) Denoting especially the osteocopic pains of syphilis occurring at night. [nyct- + G. algos, pain]


(nik-tal'jē-ă) Pain that characteristically occurs at night (e.g., nocturnal bone pain experienced by patients with syphilis).

Patient discussion about nyctalgia

Q. I have a constant foot pain during night what can i do to ease the pain? I am a diabetic (type 2) for 22 years. recently i started to suffer from a recurrent foot pain. The pain is only at night time, and i cant make it stop. i tried Tylenol and NSAIDs but nothing helped.what can i do? A. There is a product that is FDA approved. It has no side-effects whatsoever. It's called transfer factor. We have a targeted product called Glucoach. It has helped cure many of diabetes. To learn more, Go to When you get in, click on products. Look to left of the page and scroll down until you come to targeted transfer factor. Click on it and look down the list til you come to Glucoach. You can order it by clicking on the cart. If you have any questions, leave me an e-mail. Take care...

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