Myiopardalis Pardalina

Myiopardalis Pardalina


an insect of the family Trypetidae. The body measures 5.5-6.5 mm long and the coloration is pale yellow; the wings have three yellowish bands. The myiopardalis pardalina is found in the Mediterranean area and in Asia. In the USSR, it is distributed in Transcaucasia and the northern Caucasus. It principally damages melons but also watermelons, cucumbers, and squash. There are two-three generations annually. The myiopardalis pardalina winters in puparia in the ground. The female lays its eggs in the skin of fruit sets and young fruits. The larvae penetrate the pulp, where they feed, making deep winding tunnels. The damaged fruit usually rots. Counter-measures include early planting of quick-ripening varieties, the use of seed that is three-four years old and has been soaked in water, and treatment with insecticides during the period of the year when melon flies are active. Other countermeasures include weed control, disposal of harvest remains, and quick replowing of land in autumn.