Osmeña, Sergio

Osmeña, Sergio

(sār`hēō ōsmā`nyä), 1878–1961, Filipino statesman, b. Cebu island. He served as provincial governor of Cebu and as first speaker (1907–22) of the Philippine assembly. After service in the Philippine senate (1922–35), he was elected vice president of the new Philippine Commonwealth established in 1935. In Mar., 1942, he fled with President Manuel QuezonQuezon, Manuel Luis
, 1878–1944, first president of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1935–44). While a law student, he joined (1899) Emilio Aguinaldo's insurrectionary army and fought the U.S. forces until 1901. He was imprisoned briefly after the insurrection.
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 as the islands fell completely to the Japanese. After Quezon's death (1944) Osmeña became president of the government-in-exile, returning to the Philippines with U.S. invasion forces in Oct., 1944. In the 1946 presidential election he was defeated by Manuel RoxasRoxas, Manuel
, 1894–1948, Philippine statesman, b. Capiz, Panay. In 1921 he was elected to the Philippine house of representatives and in the following year he became speaker.
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