Lazar AdolFovich Lunts
Lunts, Lazar’ Adol’Fovich
Born Jan. 17 (29), 1892, in lur’ev. Soviet jurist, doctor of law (1947), professor (1947). Honored Scientific Worker of the RSFSR (1967).
Lunts graduated from the department of law of Moscow University in 1916. From 1918 to 1940 he was a consultant at the People’s Commissariat of Finance of the USSR and from 1941, senior associate at the All-Union Institute of Juridical Sciences (from 1963, the All-Union Research Institute of Soviet Legislation). His major works deal with international private law. Lunts was awarded the State Prize of the USSR in 1970.
Den’gi i denezhnye obiazatel’stva. Moscow, 1927.“Denezhnoe obiazate–stvo v grazhdanskom i kolizionnom prave kapitalisticheskikh stran.” (In the series Uchenye trudy VIIuN, vol. 14.) Moscow, 1948.
Obshchee uchenie ob obiazate–stve. Moscow, 1950. (With I. B. Novitskii.)
Kurs mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava, vols. 1-3. Moscow, 1959-66. (Obshchaia chast’ Moscow, 1959; Osobennaia chast’ Moscow, 1963.)
Mezhdunarodnyi grazhdanskii protsess. Moscow, 1966.
Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo. Moscow, 1970.