

单词 necrobacillosis




an infectious disease in animals, characterized by the onset of necrosis in various tissues.

The causative agent of necrobacillosis, Bacteroides necrophorum, was first isolated by R. Koch in 1881. All farm animals and many animals in the wild are susceptible to necrobacillosis. Sick animals are the source of the causative agent. The microbes penetrate the animals’ bodies through the gastrointestinal tract or through wounds. The disease can be either subacute or chronic. Immunity does not develop.

Necrobacillosis is diagnosed on the basis of the clinical picture, taking into account epizootiological data and the secretions of cultures taken from affected tissues. Treatment involves the topical use of various disinfectant preparations and the use of tetracycline antibiotics. The careful maintenance of sanitary conditions in the places where the animals are kept is the chief preventive measure. When necrobacillosis arises, affected animals are immediately isolated and treated, and their milk is destroyed. Carcasses and organs in which sepsis has occurred are also destroyed or made use of after processing.


Kovalenko, Ia. R. Nekrobatsillez sel’skokhoziaistvennykh zhivotnykh. Moscow, 1948.



(nek'rō-bas-il-ō'sis), Any disease with which the bacterium Fusobacterium necrophorum is associated.


(nek″rō-bas″ĭ-lō′sĭs) [ necr- + bacillosis] Any of several infections with Fusobacterium necrophorum that affect farm animals.




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