释义 |
myelorrhagia [mi″ĕ-lo-ra´jah] hematomyelia; spinal hemorrhage.he·ma·to·my·e·li·a (hē'mă-tō-mī-ē'lē-ă), Hemorrhage into the substance of the spinal cord; it is usually a posttraumatic lesion but may also be encountered in instances of spinal cord capillary telangiectases. Synonym(s): hematorrhachis interna, myelapoplexy, myelorrhagia [hemato- + G. myelos, marrow] he·ma·to·my·e·li·a (hē'mă-tō-mī-ē'lē-ă) Hemorrhage into the substance of the spinal cord; it is usually a posttraumatic lesion but may also be encountered in instances of spinal cord capillary telangiectases. Synonym(s): hematorrhachis interna, myelapoplexy, myelorrhagia, haematomyelia. [hemato- + G. myelos, marrow] |