local healthcare co-operative
local healthcare co-operative
A term used primarily in Scotland for a group of primary care professionals who collaborate to develop services and offer consistent and fair provision of care to patients in a local area. LHCCs were introduced in 1999, are part of the organisation of primary care trusts (PCTs), and managed according to local needs and circumstances.Objectives of LHCCs
• Identify local healthcare needs in partnership with public health planning and develop primary care services to meet patient needs within a defined level of resources devolved from the PCT;
• Promote development of extended primary care teams;
• Promote equity of access to primary care services for all patients covered by the LHCC;
• Support:
– Development of member practices,
– Clinical quality and standards,
– Clinical governance within the PCT, and
– Development of those delivering the services through education training, research and audit;
• Work with other agencies to improve the health of the local population.