McConnell, R. A.

McConnell, R. A. (b. 1914)

(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

Born in Pennsylvania, R. A. McConnell studied at the Carnegie Institute of Technology, where he obtained a B.S. in physics in 1935. In 1947, he received a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Pittsburgh. A member of the American Physical Society, Biophysical Society, Institute of Radio Engineers, and the Parapsychological Association, he was very active in psychical research and was the President of the Parapsychological Association in 1958.

McConnell wrote widely on the subject of para-psycholoy and co-wrote, with Dr. Gertrude Schmeidler, E.S.P. and Personality Patterns (1958). He contributed chapters to a Ciba Foundation symposium on Extrasensory Perception in 1956, and a symposium edited by Eileen J. Garrett, Does Man Survive Death? In 1971, he published E.S.P. Curriculum Guide, which was aimed at teachers wishing to teach extrasensory perception and related subjects. He wrote many articles for a variety of publications, including Scientific Monthly, Journal of Experimental Psychology, and Journal of Psychology.


McConnell, R. A.: E.S.P. Curriculum Guide. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1971