nonnutritive sucking


 [suk´ing] moving the lips and tongue in such a way as to create suction and draw fluids or solids into the mouth. See also reflex" >sucking reflex.nonnutritive sucking in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the provision of sucking opportunities for the infant who is gavage" >gavage fed or who can receive nothing by mouth.

non·nu·tri·tive suck·ing

(non-nū'tri-tiv sŭk'ing) The sucking patterns used by infants to self-calm, regulate, organize, and explore; not associated with feeding.

non·nu·tri·tive suck·ing

(non-nū'tri-tiv sŭk'ing) The sucking patterns used by infants to self-calm, regulate, organize, and explore; not associated with feeding.