Acronym | Definition |
OIM➣Organizacion Internacional para las Migraciones |
OIM➣Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (International Organization for Migration) |
OIM➣Oracle Identity Management |
OIM➣Offshore Installation Manager |
OIM➣Optical Interface Module |
OIM➣Operations and Information Management (various schools) |
OIM➣OSI Internet Management |
OIM➣Office of Income Maintenance (various states) |
OIM➣Office of the Independent Monitor (various locations) |
OIM➣Orientation Imaging Microscopy (metallography) |
OIM➣Office of Information Management |
OIM➣Open Information Model |
OIM➣Organic Input Material (California Department of Food and Agriculture) |
OIM➣Organisation Internationale pour la Migration (French) |
OIM➣Odense Internationale Musikteater (Odense, Denmark) |
OIM➣Operator Interface Module (hardware) |
OIM➣Operations Interface Module (Bellcore) |
OIM➣Oyster Island Mushrooms |
OIM➣Office of Incident Management (various organizations) |
OIM➣Organization for International Migration |
OIM➣Offline Instant Message |
OIM➣Office of Industrial Mobilization |
OIM➣Oregon Independent Miners |
OIM➣Oxygen Interaction with Materials |
OIM➣Orbit Insertion Maneuver (NASA) |
OIM➣Operational Infrastructure Management |
OIM➣Operating Instruction Manual |
OIM➣Organizational Intermediate Maintenance |
OIM➣Oculas Interactive Media |
OIM➣Ordained Interfaith Minister |