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myectomySurgical removal of muscle.Translationsmyectomy
myectomy [mi-ek´to-me] surgical excision of a muscle.my·ec·to·my (mī-ek'tō-mē), Excision of a portion of a muscle. [G. mys, muscle, + ektomē, excision] myectomy (mī-ĕk′tə-mē)n. Surgical excision of a portion of muscle.my·ec·to·my (mī-ek'tǒ-mē) Excision of all or part of a muscle. [G. mys, muscle, + ektomē, excision]myectomyThe excision of a portion of a muscle. It is done to decrease the effective action of an extraocular muscle in the correction of strabismus. See myotomy; strabismus surgery.ThesaurusSeemyotomy |