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McCall culdoplasty procedure McCall culdoplasty procedure (măk-kahl'), method of supporting the vaginal cuff during a vaginal hysterectomy by attaching the uterosacral and cardinal ligaments to the peritoneal surface with suture material that, when tied, draws toward the midline, helping to close off the cul-de-sac.Mc·Call cul·do·plas·ty pro·ce·dure (mik-kawl' kŭl'dō-plast-tē prŏ-sē'jŭr) Method of supporting the vaginal cuff during a vaginal hysterectomy by attaching the uterosacral and cardinal ligaments to the peritoneal surface with suture material such that, when tied, it draws toward the midline, helping to close off the cul-de-sac. |