释义 |
arrière-pensée ar·ri·ère-pen·sée A0437400 (ăr′ē-âr′päN-sā′)n. A mental reservation, as about the validity of something. [French : arrière, in back (from Old French arere; see arrears) + pensée, thought (from penser, to think; see pensive).]arrière-pensée (arjɛrpɑ̃se) nan unrevealed thought or intention[C19: literally: behind thought]ar•rière-pen•sée (a ryɛr pɑ̃ˈseɪ) n., pl. -pen•sées (-pɑ̃ˈseɪ) French. a mental reservation; hidden motive. arrière-penséeA French word meaning an unspoken thought or mental reservation. |