Acronym | Definition |
MNC➣Media Nusantara Citra (Indonesian media company) |
MNC➣Multinational Corporation |
MNC➣Multinational Company |
MNC➣Mobile Network Code |
MNC➣Compiled Menu |
MNC➣Mobile Network Computing |
MNC➣Monocyte (Immunology) |
MNC➣Metis National Council |
MNC➣Midnight Club (game) |
MNC➣Mouvement National Congolais |
MNC➣Medical Necessity Criteria (healthcare) |
MNC➣Maternal and Neonatal Care (various locations) |
MNC➣Mythical National Championship |
MNC➣Methodist New Connexion (est. 1797) |
MNC➣Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference |
MNC➣Metropolitan News Company (Los Angeles, California) |
MNC➣Major Non Conformity (shipping) |
MNC➣Mother Nature Calls |
MNC➣Mesa Nacional Campesina (Spanish) |
MNC➣Minnesota News Council |
MNC➣Modernising Nursing Careers (initiative; UK) |
MNC➣Monday Night Crew (gaming clan) |
MNC➣Minor Collector (State highway information) |
MNC➣Chief Mineman (Naval Rating) |
MNC➣Masonry Non-Combustible (building construction) |
MNC➣Medium Neutral Citation (Australia) |
MNC➣Major NATO Command/er |
MNC➣Missouri Nursing Coalition |
MNC➣Senior Chief Mineman (Naval Rating) |
MNC➣Modified Numerical Control (engineering) |
MNC➣Memoryless Noisy Channel |
MNC➣Multiuser Nyquist Criterion |