Mycoplasma pneumoniae


 [mi´ko-plaz″mah] a genus of highly pleomorphic, gram-negative, aerobic or facultatively anaerobic bacteria that lack cell walls, including the pleuropneumonia-like organisms and other species.Mycoplasma ho´minis a species found associated with urethritis" >nongonococcal urethritis and mild pharyngitis.Mycoplasma pneumo´niae a cause of primary atypical pneumonia; called also Eaton agent.

My·co·plas·ma pneu·mo·ni·ae

a bacterial species causing otitis and upper and lower respiratory tract disease including primary atypical pneumonia in human beings. Synonym(s): Eaton agent

Mycoplasma pneumoniae

A slow-growing pathogen which measures 0.25 µm in diameter, lacks cell wall precursors (N-acetyl glucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid), divides by binary fusion and fragmentation, and has CO2 and NH3 as end products of ureaplasma enzymatic hydrolysis.

My·co·plas·ma pneu·mo·ni·ae

(mī'kō-plaz'mă nū-mō'nē-ē) A bacterial species causing primary atypical pneumonia in human beings.
Synonym(s): Eaton agent.