Ommaya reservoir


 [rez´er-vwahr] 1. a storage place or cavity.2. an alternate or passive host or carrier that harbors pathogenic organisms without injury to itself and serves as a source from which other individuals can be infected.cardiotomy reservoir in bypass" >cardiopulmonary bypass, a collection chamber for blood suctioned from the heart chambers and pericardium.continent ileal reservoir an intra-abdominal pouch having a volume of at least 500 ml and a valve created from a portion of the ileum, pulled through the stoma, and lying flat against the abdominal wall; it maintains continence of feces and is emptied by a catheter when full. See also ileostomy" >continent ileostomy and kock pouch" >kock pouch.ileoanal reservoir see ileoanal reservoir.Ommaya reservoir a device implanted in the brain for instillation of medication or removal of fluid through a catheter in a lateral ventricle. When used for the direct administration of chemotherapy, it enhances the concentration of medication in brain tissue.

Om·ma·ya res·er·voir

a plastic container placed in the subgaleal space that is connected to a lateral ventricle or tumor cyst by tubing; it is used to instill medication into, or remove fluid from, the ventricle or tumor cyst.

Ommaya reservoir

Oncology A reservoired device implanted under the scalp with a catheter to a ventricle, used to deliver chemotherapy to the CSF


Ayub Khan, U.S. neurosurgeon, 1930–. Ommaya cerebrospinal fluid reservoirOmmaya intraventricular reservoir systemOmmaya reservoirOmmaya reservoir implant materialOmmaya reservoir prosthesisOmmaya reservoir transensorOmmaya retromastoid reservoirOmmaya shuntOmmaya side-port flat-bottomed reservoirOmmaya suboccipital reservoirOmmaya tubeOmmaya ventricular reservoir