

单词 mbp



Abbreviation for major basic protein.


A gene on chromosome 18q23 that encodes myelin basic protein, a major component of the myelin sheath of oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells, which is also present in the bone marrow and in the immune system where it induces T-cell proliferation.
Molecular pathology
Reduction in the surface charge of MBP may result in a weakened attachment to the myelin membrane and play a role in demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis.


Mean blood pressure


MBPMiejska Biblioteka Publiczna (Polish: City Public Library)
MBPMyelin Basic Protein
MBPMacbook Pro (Apple notebook computer)
MBPMechanical Breakdown Protection
MBPMaltose Binding Protein
MBPMethodologies and Best Practices
MBPMaster Boot Program
MBPMemory Block Page
MBPMicrosoft Business Portal
MBPMajor Basic Protein
MBPMannose Binding Protein
MBPManagement by Project (business methodology)
MBPMaintenance Bypass (panel; electronics)
MBPMunchausen By Proxy
MBPMillion Book Project
MBPMaster Beekeeper Program (various schools)
MBPMark Burnett Productions (Los Angeles, CA)
MBPMusic Business Program
MBPMassachusetts Bays Program
MBPMedical Benefits Package (various organizations)
MBPMechanical Back Pain
MBPMerchant Banking Partners
MBPMan Bear Pig (South Park cartoon)
MBPMetal Binding Protein
MBPMolluscan Broodstock Program (Newport, OR; est. 1996)
MBPMailbox Provider (email)
MBPMine Burial Program (Office of Naval Research)
MBPMolecular Biology of Plants
MBPMarquette Branch Prison (Michigan Department of Corrections)
MBPMaster Buy Plan
MBPMexican Brown Pride
MBPMiniBusPlus Limited (UK minibus insurance)
MBPmajor binding protein
MBPMicrostrip Beam Probe
MBPMonthly Basic Pay
MBPMonthly Bonus Prizes
MBP(Network) Management at Boundary Point
MBPMain Booster Pump
MBPMetro Business Partnership Ltd. (UK)
MBPManagement By Plan
MBPMovable Boundary Protocol




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