lobular capillary hemangioma

py·o·gen·ic gran·u·lo·ma

, granuloma pyogenicuman acquired small rounded mass of highly vascular granulation tissue, frequently with an ulcerated surface, projecting from the skin, especially of the face, or oral mucosa; histologically, the mass is a lobular capillary hemangioma. Synonym(s): lobular capillary hemangioma

py·o·gen·ic gran·u·lo·ma

, granuloma pyogenicum (pī'ō-jen'ik gran'yū-lō'mă, pī-ō-jen'i-kŭm) An acquired small, rounded mass of highly vascular granulation tissue, frequently with an ulcerated surface, projecting from the skin or mucosa; histologically, the mass resembles a capillary hemangioma.
Synonym(s): lobular capillary hemangioma.

lobular capillary hemangioma

A fleshy, polyp-shaped hemangioma that may develop at the site of a wound. It bleeds easily and is usually tender. See also: hemangioma