Ninepipe National Wildlife Refuge
Ninepipe National Wildlife Refuge
132 Bison Range Rd
Moiese, MT 58924
Established: 1921.
Location:Northwest Montana, 50 miles north of Missoula.
Facilities:Viewing sites, auto tour route, self-guided nature trail (é).
Activities:Fishing, educational programs.
Special Features:Refuge is on tribal lands located in Flathead Valley, operated under agreement with the Salish and Kootenai tribes. No hunting is permitted.
Habitats: 2,062 acres of upland habitat, and rolling grassland interspersed with pothole wetlands.
Access: Daylight hours, although some areas of the refuge are closed seasonally.
Wild life: Canada geese, red-necked grebes, song sparrows, yellow-headed and red-winged blackbirds, ring-necked pheasants, American bitterns, sora rails, osprey, double-crested cormorants, and great blue herons. Also provides habitat for muskrat, striped skunk, mink, badgers, meadow voles, porcupines, and forage for grizzly bears.
See other parks in Montana.