Nina Karlovna Bari

Bari, Nina Karlovna


Born Nov. 6 (19), 1901, in Moscow; died there on July 15, 1961. Soviet mathematician. Doctor of physics and mathematics (1935).

Bari graduated from Moscow University in 1921, began working there in 1926, and became a professor in 1934. Her major work was in the field of the theory of functions of real variables and the theory of approximation of functions. Bari did intensive research on the structure of continuous functions and the singularity of determining the coefficients of a trigonometric series from the function expressed by it.


Trigonometricheskie riady. Moscow, 1961.


Men’shov, D. E., S. B. Stechkin, and P. L. Ul’ianov. “Nina Kar-lovna Bari.” [Obituary] Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk, 1962, vol. 17, issue 1, pp. 121–33. (Contains a list of her works.)