Acronym | Definition |
MMPA➣Marine Mammal Protection Act |
MMPA➣Michigan Milk Producers Association |
MMPA➣Multicultural Motion Picture Association |
MMPA➣Master of Management & Professional Accounting |
MMPA➣Minnesota Magazine and Publications Association |
MMPA➣Master Military Pay Account |
MMPA➣Microbial and Molecular Pathogenesis (Texas) |
MMPA➣Massachusetts Maple Producers Association (Ashfield, MA) |
MMPA➣Magnetic Material Producers Association |
MMPA➣Massachusetts Municipal Personnel Association |
MMPA➣Methyl Mercaptopropionate (microbiology) |
MMPA➣Maxilla to Mandibular Planes Angle (Cephalometrics) |
MMPA➣Middletown Managers & Professionals Association (Middletown, CT) |