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am·bi·ver·sion A0243900 (ăm′bĭ-vûr′zhən)n. A personality trait including the qualities of both introversion and extroversion. [ambi- + (intro)version or (extro)version.] am′bi·vert′ (-vûrt′) n.ambivert (ˈæmbɪˌvɜːt) n (Psychology) psychol a person who is intermediate between an extrovert and an introvert ambiversion nambivert
am·bi·vert (am'bi-vert), One who falls between the two extremes of introversion and extroversion, possessing some tendencies of each.am·bi·vert (am'bi-vĕrt) Person with characteristics of both extrovert and introvert qualities. [ambi + L. verto, to turn]ambivert (am′bi-vĕrt″) [ ambi- + (extro)version or (intro)version] A person whose personality type shows tendencies of both introversion and extroversion.ambiversion (am″bi-vĕr′zhŏn) ThesaurusSeeambiversion |