Acronym | Definition |
NWWA➣National Water Well Association |
NWWA➣Northwest Whale Watchers Association |
NWWA➣North West Water Authority (UK) |
NWWA➣Naval Wives Welfare Association (India) |
NWWA➣New Ways of Working in Anaesthesia (project) |
NWWA➣North Wales Water Authority (North Wales, PA) |
NWWA➣New Wave Wrestling Alliance |
NWWA➣Nu-Wave Wrestling Association |
NWWA➣NetWare WebAccess (Novell) |
NWWA➣North West Windsurfing Association (UK) |
NWWA➣New World Wine Agencies (South Africa) |
NWWA➣Network World Asia |
NWWA➣New World Wrestling Alliance |
NWWA➣Nepal Woodworkers Association |
NWWA➣NEEPCO Women Welfare Association (India) |
NWWA➣National World Wrestling Association |
NWWA➣National Wheat Weavers Association (Hutchinson, KS) |
NWWA➣National Waterfowl and Wetland Association |
NWWA➣National Water Works Association |
NWWA➣Northwestern Wrestling Alliance |
NWWA➣NorthWest Water Authority |
NWWA➣North Walians With Attitude |