释义 |
ambilateral (ˌæmbɪˈlætərəl) adjaffecting both sides of an organ or of the bodyrelating to a system of kinship in which a person can claim membership of the lineage group of either the father or mother (or both)ambilateral
ambilateral [am″bĭ-lat´ter-al] pertaining to or affecting both sides.am·bi·lat·er·al (am'bi-lat'er-ăl), Relating to both sides. [ambi- + L. latus, side] am·bi·lat·er·al (am'bi-lat'ĕr-ăl) Relating to both sides. [L. ambi- + L. latus, side]am·bi·lat·er·al (am'bi-lat'ĕr-ăl) Relating to both sides. [ambi- + L. latus, side] |