Michael Idvorsky Pupin

Pupin, Michael Idvorsky


Born Oct. 4, 1858, in Idvor, Serbia; died Mar. 13, 1935, in New York City. American physicist and electrical engineer.

Pupin was of Serbian descent. In 1874 he emigrated to the USA, where he graduated from Columbia University in 1883. From 1885 to 1889 he continued his education at Cambridge University and the University of Berlin. In 1889 he became a professor of theoretical physics in the electrical engineering department of Columbia University; he was the head of the department from 1908 to 1910.

Pupin calculated and verified experimentally the feasibility of extending the range of telephone communication over cables. He also studied the physics of X rays and methods of using them.


From Immigrant to Inventor. New York, 1960.


Bokš an, S. M. Pupin i njegovo delo. Novi Sad, 1951.