

单词 mmi
释义 DictionarySeeHMI



(1)Man-Machine Interface.


(company)The company which developed the firstProgrammable Array Logic devices. MMI was bought by AMD.


(1) (Man Machine Interface) See MMI code, HMI and user interface.

(2) (Mind-Machine Interface) See brain-machine interface.



Abbreviation for maximum medical improvement.


MMIMuseum of the Moving Image (Astoria, NY)
MMIMotorcycle Mechanics Institute
MMIMulti Media Interface
MMIMan-Machine Interface
MMIMoney Management International
MMIMensch Maschine Interaktion (German: Human Machine Interaction)
MMIMaximum Medical Improvement
MMIMedical Microbiology & Immunology (various schools)
MMIMonolithic Memories, Inc. (est. 1969; computer devices)
MMIMazda Motor Indonesia
MMIMillionaire Mind Intensive
MMIMoney Management Institute (Washington, DC)
MMIMesse Munchen International (Germany)
MMIMarketing Management, Inc. (Fort Worth, TX)
MMIMulti-Modality Imaging (medical care)
MMIMarina Militare Italiana (Italian: Italian Navy)
MMIModem Management Interface
MMIMulti Mode Interference
MMIMan to Machine Interface
MMIMulti Modal Input
MMIMan to Machine Interaction
MMIModified Mercalli Intensity
MMIMadison Media Institute (Madison, Wisconsin)
MMIMarine Mammal Institute (Oregon State University)
MMIMarion Military Institute
MMIMolecular Machines & Industries (various locations)
MMIMutual Mortgage Insurance
MMIMoney Management, Inc.
MMIMoney Market Instruments
MMIManagement Methods International (Quality Results People)
MMIMaximum Mutual Information (decoder)
MMIMolecular Medicine Institute (University of Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh, PA)
MMIMe Myself and I
MMIMichigan Molecular Institute
MMIMitsui Matsushima International (Japan)
MMIMazda Motor Italia (Italian car company)
MMIMutuelle du Ministère de l'Intérieur (French: Mutual Ministry of the Interior)
MMIMedical Mission International
MMIMultifamily Market Index (National Association of Home Builders)
MMImultiple mini-interview
MMIMother May I (band)
MMIMateriel Management Institute
MMIMedicus Mundi International
MMIMedical Management Institute (Georgia)
MMIMajor Mental Illness
MMIMallinckrodt Medical Inc
MMIModem Management Interface (Cisco)
MMIMinistry of Mines and Industry
MMIMorey Metal Industries, Inc (Trenton, NJ)
MMIMobile Math Initiative
MMIMuslim Mosque, Incorporated
MMIMind/Machine Interface (gaming)
MMIMultihazard Mapping Initiative (US FEMA initiative)
MMIMiss May I (band)
MMIMixed-Mode Interface
MMIMunicipal Mutual Insurance Limited (London, England, UK)
MMIMarket Making Inventory (investing)
MMIMajor and Medium Irrigation (India)
MMIMinuteman I
MMIMissionaries of Mary Immaculate
MMIMixed Mode Interpretation
MMIMaster Member Index
MMIMasters of Management of Innovation (University of Toronto degree)
MMIManagement & Maintenance Inspection
MMIMaintenance Managed Item (Royal Australian Air Force)
MMIMaximal Merging Interval
MMIMultimedia Marketing and Internet (Jamaica)
MMIMidwest Montessori Institute
MMIMicro-Mechanical Inertial
MMIMulti-MAJCOM Inspection
MMIMono-Methyl Indium
MMIManpower Management Information
MMIMilinda Moragoda Institute (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
MMIMaintenance Manual Intermediate Levels (TMINS)
ThesaurusSeeuser interface




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