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law L0073000 (lô)n.1. A rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, agreement, or authority.2. a. The body of rules and principles governing the affairs of a community and enforced by a political authority; a legal system: international law.b. The condition of social order and justice created by adherence to such a system: a breakdown of law and civilized behavior.3. A set of rules or principles dealing with a specific area of a legal system: tax law; criminal law.4. a. A statute, ordinance, or other rule enacted by a legislature.b. A judicially established legal requirement; a precedent.5. a. The system of judicial administration giving effect to the laws of a community: All citizens are equal before the law.b. Legal action or proceedings; litigation: submit a dispute to law.c. An impromptu or extralegal system of justice substituted for established judicial procedure: frontier law.6. a. An agency or agent responsible for enforcing the law. Often used with the: "The law ... stormed out of the woods as the vessel was being relieved of her cargo" (Sid Moody).b. Informal A police officer. Often used with the.7. a. The science and study of law; jurisprudence.b. Knowledge of law.c. The profession of an attorney.8. Something, such as an order or a dictum, having absolute or unquestioned authority: The commander's word was law.9. Lawa. A body of principles or precepts held to express the divine will, especially as revealed in the Bible.b. The first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures.10. A code of principles based on morality, conscience, or nature.11. a. A rule or custom generally established in a particular domain: the unwritten laws of good sportsmanship.b. A way of life: the law of the jungle.12. a. A statement describing a relationship observed to be invariable between or among phenomena for all cases in which the specified conditions are met: the law of gravity.b. A generalization based on consistent experience or results: the law of supply and demand.13. Mathematics A general principle or rule that is assumed or that has been proven to hold between expressions.14. A principle of organization, procedure, or technique: the laws of grammar; the laws of visual perspective.Idioms: a law unto (oneself) A totally independent operator: An executive who is a law unto herself. take the law into (one's) own hands To mete out justice as one sees fit without due recourse to law enforcement agencies or the courts. [Middle English, from Old English lagu, from Old Norse *lagu, variant of lag, that which is laid down; see legh- in Indo-European roots.]law (lɔː) n1. (Law) a rule or set of rules, enforceable by the courts, regulating the government of a state, the relationship between the organs of government and the subjects of the state, and the relationship or conduct of subjects towards each other2. (Law) a. a rule or body of rules made by the legislature. See statute lawb. a rule or body of rules made by a municipal or other authority. See bylaw3. (Law) a. the condition and control enforced by such rulesb. (in combination): lawcourt. 4. a rule of conduct: a law of etiquette. 5. one of a set of rules governing a particular field of activity: the laws of tennis. 6. (Law) the legal or judicial system7. (Law) the profession or practice of law8. informal the police or a policeman9. a binding force or statement: his word is law. 10. Also called: law of nature a generalization based on a recurring fact or event11. (Law) the science or knowledge of law; jurisprudence12. (Law) the principles originating and formerly applied only in courts of common law. Compare equity313. a general principle, formula, or rule describing a phenomenon in mathematics, science, philosophy, etc: the laws of thermodynamics. 14. (Judaism) the Law (capital) Judaism a. short for Law of Mosesb. the English term for Torah See also Oral Law, Written Law15. a law unto itself a law unto himself a person or thing that is outside established laws16. (Law) go to law to resort to legal proceedings on some matter17. lay down the law to speak in an authoritative or dogmatic manner18. (Judaism) reading the Law reading of the Law Judaism that part of the morning service on Sabbaths, festivals, and Mondays and Thursdays during which a passage is read from the Torah scrolls19. take the law into one's own hands to ignore or bypass the law when redressing a grievance[Old English lagu, from Scandinavian; compare Icelandic lög (pl) things laid down, law]
law (lɔː) n (Physical Geography) Scot a hill, esp one rounded in shape[Old English hlǣw]
law (lɔː) adj a Scot word for low1
Law (lɔː) n1. (Biography) Andrew Bonar (ˈbɒnə). 1858–1923, British Conservative statesman, born in Canada; prime minister (1922–23)2. (Biography) Denis. born 1940, Scottish footballer; a striker, he played for Manchester United (1962–73) and Scotland (30 goals in 55 games, 1958–74); European Footballer of the Year (1964)3. (Biography) John. 1671–1729, Scottish financier. He founded the first bank in France (1716) and the Mississippi Scheme for the development of Louisiana (1717), which collapsed due to excessive speculation4. (Biography) Jude. born 1972, British film actor, who starred in The Talented Mr Ripley (1999), Cold Mountain (2003), and Sherlock Holmes (2009)5. (Biography) William. 1686–1761, British Anglican divine, best known for A Serious Call to a Holy and Devout Life (1728)law (lɔ) n. 1. the principles and regulations established by a government or other authority and applicable to a people, whether by legislation or by custom enforced by judicial decision. 2. any written or positive rule or collection of rules prescribed under the authority of the state or nation, as by the people in its constitution. 3. a system or collection of such rules. 4. the condition of society brought about by observance of such rules: maintaining law and order. 5. the field of knowledge concerned with these rules; jurisprudence: to study law. 6. the body of such rules concerned with a particular subject: commercial law; tax law. 7. an act of the highest legislative body of a state or nation. 8. the profession that deals with law and legal procedure: to practice law. 9. legal action; litigation: to go to law. 10. an agent or agency that enforces the law, esp. the police: The law arrived to quell the riot. 11. any rule or injunction that must be obeyed. 12. a rule or principle of proper conduct sanctioned by conscience, concepts of natural justice, or the will of a deity: a moral law. 13. a rule or manner of behavior that is instinctive or spontaneous: the law of self-preservation. 14. (in philosophy, science, etc.) a. a statement of a relation or sequence of phenomena invariable under the same conditions. b. a mathematical rule. 15. a principle based on the predictable consequences of an act, condition, etc.: the law of supply and demand. 16. a rule, principle, or convention regarded as governing the structure or the relationship of an element in the structure of something, as of a language or work of art: the laws of grammar. 17. a commandment or a revelation from God. 18. (sometimes cap.) a divinely appointed order or system. 19. the Law, Law of Moses. 20. the preceptive part of the Bible, esp. of the New Testament, in contradistinction to its promises: the law of Christ. v.i. 21. to institute legal action; sue. v.t. 22. Chiefly Dial. to sue or prosecute. Idioms: 1. be a law to or unto oneself, to act independently or unconventionally, esp. without regard for established mores. 2. lay down the law, to issue orders imperiously. 3. take the law into one's own hands, to administer justice as one sees fit without recourse to legal processes. [before 1000; Middle English law(e),lagh(e), Old English lagu < Old Norse *lagu, early pl. of lag layer, laying in order] Law (lɔ) n. John, 1671–1729, Scottish financier. law (lô) A statement that describes what will happen in all cases under a specified set of conditions. Laws describe an invariable relationship among phenomena. Boyle's law, for instance, describes what will happen to the volume of a gas if its pressure changes and its temperature remains the same. See Note at hypothesis.LawSee also crime; government allographa signature of a proxy, one who is not party to the transaction at hand. — allographic, adj.angarythe right of a nation at war to destroy the property of a neutral, subject to indemnification.anomie, anomy, anomiaa state or condition of individuals or society characterized by an absence or breakdown of social and legal norms and values, as in the case of an uprooted people. — anomic, adj.antinomia, antinomya real or apparent contradiction in a statute. — antinomic, antinomian, adj.antinomianismthe theological doctrine maintaining that Christians are freed from both moral and civil law by God’s gift of grace. — antinomian, antinomist, n.asseverationthe solemn affirmation of the truth of a statement. — asseverator, n. — asseverative, adj.avowtrythe crime of adultery.barratrythe offense of frequently exciting or stirring up suits and quarrels between others. — barrator, n. — barratrous, adj.batteryan intentional act that, directly or indirectly, causes harmful contact with another’s person.caveata legal notice to beware; a notice placed on file until the caveator can be heard. — caveator, n. — caveatee, n.civilista person who studies civil law.compurgationformerly, in common law, acquittal on the basis of endorsement by the friends or neighbors of the accused. Also called trial by wager of law. — compurgator, n. — compurgatory, adj.compurgatorone who testifies to the innocence of an accused person.constructionista person who puts a particular interpretation on provisions of the U.S. Constitution, especially those provisions dealing with the rights of individuals and states.coverturethe status of a married woman.criminalisman act or action having the character of a crime. Also criminality. — criminal, n., adj.culpability1. the condition of blameworthiness, criminality, censurability. 2. Obsolete, guilt. — culpable, adj.delinquencya condition of guilt; failure to do that which the law or other obligation requires. See also finance. — delinquent, adj.dicealolgyObsolete, a delineation of jurisdiction.dikephobiaan abnormal fear or dislike of justice.disherisonArchaic. 1. the act of disinheriting. 2. the condition of being disinherited.Draconianismany unreasonable harshness or severity in laws. — Draconian, Draconic, adj.easementthe right one landowner has been granted over the land of another, as the right of access to water, right of way, etc., at no charge.feudist1. a specialist in law relating to the feudal system. 2. a person who holds or Iets land under the provisions of the feudal system.fiduciarya person to whom property or power is entrusted for the benefit of another. — fiducial, fiduciary, adj.jurisprudence1. law as a science or philosophy. 2. a system of laws or a particular branch of law. — jurisprudent, adj.Justinianistan expert on the codification and revision of Roman laws ordered by the 6th-century Byzantine emperor Justinian. — Justinian code, n.legaleselanguage typical of lawyers, laws, legal forms, etc., characterized by archaic usage, prolixity, redundancy and extreme thoroughness.legalisma strict and usually literal adherence to the law. — legalistic, adj.legista person who is skilled or well versed in law.litigiomaniaa compulsion for involving oneself in legal disputes.nomismthe practice of religious legalism, especially the basing of standards of good actions upon the moral law.nomocracya system of government based on a legal code.nomography1. the art of drafting laws. 2. a treatise on the drawing up of laws. — nomographer, n. — nomographic, adj.nomologythe science of law. — nomologist, n. — nomological, adj.nonagethe state of being under the age required by law to enter into certain responsibilities or obligations, as marrying, entering into contracts, etc. See also church; property and ownership.pandect, pandectsa legal code or complete body or system of laws.pandectist1. the writer of a complete code of the laws of a country. 2. the writer of a complete digest of materials on a subject.pettifogger1. a lawyer whose practice is of a small or petty character; a lawyer of little importance. 2. a shyster lawyer. — pettifoggery, n.postremogeniturethe rights or legal status of the last child bom in a family. Also called ultimogeniture. Cf. primogeniture.primogeniturethe rights or legal status of the first born in a family. Cf. postremogeniture.publicistan expert in public or international law.revisionismthe advocacy of revision, especially in relation to court decisions. — revisionist, n. — revisionary, adj.squatterism1. the state or practice of being a squatter, or one who settles on government land, thereby establishing ownership. 2. the state or practice of settling in vacant or abandoned property, either for shelter or in an attempt to establish ownership. — squatter, n.symbolaeographythe drawing up of legal documents. — symbolaeographer, n.ultimogeniturepostremogeniture.vassalage1. the condition of land tenure of a vassal. 2. the fief or lands held.Law See Also: LAWYERS - Corpuses, statutes, rights and equities are passed on like congenital disease —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Exact laws, like all the other ultimates and absolutes, are as fabulous as the crock of gold at the rainbow’s end —G. N. Lewis
- Going to law is like skinning a new milk cow for the hide, and giving the meat to the lawyers —Josh Billings
The original in Billings’ popular dialect form reads as follows: “Going tew law iz like skinning a new milch … .tew the lawyers.” - Great cases like hard cases make bad law —Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
Justice Holmes expanded on his simile as follows: “For great cases are called great not by reason of their real importance in shaping the law of the future but because of some accident of immediate overwhelming interest which appeals to the feelings and distorts the judgment.” - Law is a bottomless pit —John Arbuthnot
Arbuthnot continues as follows: “It is a cormorant, a harpy that devours everything!” - Law is a form of order, and good law must necessarily mean good order —Aristotle
- The law is a sort of hocus-pocus science, that smiles in your face while it picks your pocket —Charles Macklin
- The law is like apparel which alters with the time —Sir John Doddridge
- Law is like pregnancy, a little of either being a dangerous thing —Robert Traver
- The law often dances like an old fishwife in wooden shoes, with little grace and less dispatch —George Garrett
In Garrett’s historical novel, Death of the Fox, this simile is voiced by Sir Francis Bacon. - Laws and institutions … like clocks, they must be occasionally cleansed, and wound up, and set to true time —Henry Ward Beecher
- (Written) laws are like spiders’ webs; they hold the weak and delicate who might be caught in their meshes, but are torn in pieces by the rich and powerful —Anarchis
The spiders’ web comparison to the law has been much used and modified. Here are some examples: “Laws, like cobwebs, entangle the weak, but are broken by the strong;” “Laws are like spiders’ webs, so that the great buzzing bees break through, and the little feeble flies hang fast in them” (Henry Smith); “Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through” (Jonathan Swift); “Laws, like cobwebs, catch small flies, great ones break through before your eyes” (Benjamin Franklin); “Laws, like the spider’s web, catch the fly and let the hawk go free” (Spanish proverb). - Law should be like death, which spares no one —Charles de Secondat Montesquieu
- Laws, like houses, lean on one another —Edmund Burke
- Laws should be like clothes. They should fit the people they are meant to serve —Clarence Darrow
- Laws wise as nature, and as fixed as fate —Alexander Pope
- Legal as a Supreme Court decision —Anon
- Legal studies … sharpen, indeed, but like a grinding stone narrow whilst they sharpen —Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- Liked law because it was a system like a jigsaw puzzle, whose pieces, if you studied them long enough, all fell into place —Will Weaver
- The science of legislation is like that of medicine in one respect, that it is far more easy to point out what will do harm than what will do good —Charles Caleb Colton
- Suits at court are like winter nights, long and wearisome —Thomas Deloney
- To try a case twice is like eating yesterday morning’s oatmeal —Lloyd Paul Stryker
See Also: REPETITION, STALENESS - Violations of the law, like viruses, are present all the time. Everybody does them. Whether or not they produce a disease, or a prosecution, is a function of the body politic —Anon quote, New York Times/Washington Talk, November 28, 1986
lawA rule describing certain natural observable phenomena or the relationship between effects of variable quantities.ThesaurusNoun | 1. | law - the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"jurisprudenceimpounding, impoundment, internment, poundage - placing private property in the custody of an officer of the lawaward, awarding - a grant made by a law court; "he criticized the awarding of compensation by the court"appointment - (law) the act of disposing of property by virtue of the power of appointment; "she allocated part of the trust to her church by appointment"remit, remitment, remission - (law) the act of remitting (especially the referral of a law case to another court)novation - (law) the replacement of one obligation by another by mutual agreement of both parties; usually the replacement of one of the original parties to a contract with the consent of the remaining partysubrogation - (law) the act of substituting of one creditor for anotherdisbarment - the act of expelling a lawyer from the practice of lawchance-medley - an unpremeditated killing of a human being in self defensederogation - (law) the partial taking away of the effectiveness of a law; a partial repeal or abolition of a law; "any derogation of the common law is to be strictly construed"recission, rescission - (law) the act of rescinding; the cancellation of a contract and the return of the parties to the positions they would have had if the contract had not been made; "recission may be brought about by decree or by mutual consent"abatement of a nuisance, nuisance abatement - (law) the removal or termination or destruction of something that has been found to be a nuisanceproduction - (law) the act of exhibiting in a court of law; "the appellate court demanded the production of all documents"practice of law, law - the learned profession that is mastered by graduate study in a law school and that is responsible for the judicial system; "he studied law at Yale"law practice - the practice of lawcivil wrong, tort - (law) any wrongdoing for which an action for damages may be broughtjuvenile delinquency, delinquency - an antisocial misdeed in violation of the law by a minorcomparative negligence - (law) negligence allocated between the plaintiff and the defendant with a corresponding reduction in damages paid to the plaintiffconcurrent negligence - (law) negligence of two of more persons acting independently; the plaintiff may sue both together or separatelycontributory negligence - (law) behavior by the plaintiff that contributes to the harm resulting from the defendant's negligence; "in common law any degree of contributory negligence would bar the plaintiff from collecting damages"criminal negligence, culpable negligence - (law) recklessly acting without reasonable caution and putting another person at risk of injury or death (or failing to do something with the same consequences)neglect of duty - (law) breach of a dutybarratry - the offense of vexatiously persisting in inciting lawsuits and quarrelschamperty - an unethical agreement between an attorney and client that the attorney would sue and pay the costs of the client's suit in return for a portion of the damages awarded; "soliciting personal injury cases may constitute champerty"criminal maintenance, maintenance - the unauthorized interference in a legal action by a person having no interest in it (as by helping one party with money or otherwise to continue the action) so as to obstruct justice or promote unnecessary litigation or unsettle the peace of the community; "unlike champerty, criminal maintenance does not necessarily involve personal profit"false pretence, false pretense - (law) an offense involving intent to defraud and false representation and obtaining property as a result of that misrepresentationresisting arrest - physical efforts to oppose a lawful arrest; the resistance is classified as assault and battery upon the person of the police officer attempting to make the arrestsedition - an illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority and tending to cause the disruption or overthrow of the governmentkidnapping, snatch - (law) the unlawful act of capturing and carrying away a person against their will and holding them in false imprisonmentactual possession - (law) immediate and direct physical control over propertyconstructive possession - (law) having the power and intention to have and control property but without direct control or actual presence upon itcriminal possession - (law) possession for which criminal sanctions are provided because the property may not lawfully be possessed or may not be possessed under certain circumstancesintervention - (law) a proceeding that permits a person to enter into a lawsuit already in progress; admission of person not an original party to the suit so that person can protect some right or interest that is allegedly affected by the proceedings; "the purpose of intervention is to prevent unnecessary duplication of lawsuits" | | 2. | law - legal document setting forth rules governing a particular kind of activity; "there is a law against kidnapping"legal document, legal instrument, official document, instrument - (law) a document that states some contractual relationship or grants some rightanti-drug law - a law forbidding the sale or use of narcotic drugsanti-racketeering law, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, RICO, RICO Act - law intended to eradicate organized crime by establishing strong sanctions and forfeiture provisionsantitrust law, antitrust legislation - law intended to promote free competition in the market place by outlawing monopoliesstatute of limitations - a statute prescribing the time period during which legal action can be takenconstitution, fundamental law, organic law - law determining the fundamental political principles of a governmentpublic law - a law affecting the public at largeblue law - a statute regulating work on Sundaysblue sky law - a state law regulating the sale of securities in an attempt to control the sale of securities in fraudulent enterprisesgag law - any law that limits freedom of the presshomestead law - a law conferring privileges on owners of homesteadspoor law - a law providing support for the poorRiot Act - a former English law requiring mobs to disperse after a magistrate reads the law to themprohibition - a law forbidding the sale of alcoholic beverages; "in 1920 the 18th amendment to the Constitution established prohibition in the US"law, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order" | | 3. | law - a rule or body of rules of conduct inherent in human nature and essential to or binding upon human societynatural lawconcept, conception, construct - an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instancesdivine law - a law that is believed to come directly from Godprinciple - a basic truth or law or assumption; "the principles of democracy"sound law - a law describing sound changes in the history of a language | | 4. | law - a generalization that describes recurring facts or events in nature; "the laws of thermodynamics"law of natureconcept, conception, construct - an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instancesall-or-none law - (neurophysiology) a nerve impulse resulting from a weak stimulus is just as strong as a nerve impulse resulting from a strong stimulusprinciple, rule - a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system; "the principle of the conservation of mass"; "the principle of jet propulsion"; "the right-hand rule for inductive fields"Archimedes' principle, law of Archimedes - (hydrostatics) the apparent loss in weight of a body immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of the displaced fluidAvogadro's hypothesis, Avogadro's law - the principle that equal volumes of all gases (given the same temperature and pressure) contain equal numbers of moleculesBernoulli's law, law of large numbers - (statistics) law stating that a large number of items taken at random from a population will (on the average) have the population statisticsBenford's law - a law used by auditors to identify fictitious populations of numbers; applies to any population of numbers derived from other numbers; "Benford's law holds that 30% of the time the first non-zero digit of a derived number will be 1 and it will be 9 only 4.6% of the time"Bose-Einstein statistics - (physics) statistical law obeyed by a system of particles whose wave function is not changed when two particles are interchanged (the Pauli exclusion principle does not apply)Boyle's law, Mariotte's law - the pressure of an ideal gas at constant temperature varies inversely with the volumeCoulomb's Law - a fundamental principle of electrostatics; the force of attraction or repulsion between two charged particles is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the distance between them; principle also holds for magnetic polesDalton's law of partial pressures, law of partial pressures, Dalton's law - (chemistry and physics) law stating that the pressure exerted by a mixture of gases equals the sum of the partial pressures of the gases in the mixture; the pressure of a gas in a mixture equals the pressure it would exert if it occupied the same volume alone at the same temperaturedistribution law - (chemistry) the total energy in an assembly of molecules is not distributed equally but is distributed around an average value according to a statistical distributionequilibrium law, law of chemical equilibrium - (chemistry) the principle that (at chemical equilibrium) in a reversible reaction the ratio of the rate of the forward reaction to the rate of the reverse reaction is a constant for that reactionFechner's law, Weber-Fechner law - (psychophysics) the concept that the magnitude of a subjective sensation increases proportional to the logarithm of the stimulus intensity; based on early work by E. H. WeberFermi-Dirac statistics - (physics) law obeyed by a systems of particles whose wave function changes when two particles are interchanged (the Pauli exclusion principle applies)Charles's law, Gay-Lussac's law, law of volumes - (physics) the density of an ideal gas at constant pressure varies inversely with the temperatureHenry's law - (chemistry) law formulated by the English chemist William Henry; the amount of a gas that will be absorbed by water increases as the gas pressure increasesHooke's law - (physics) the principle that (within the elastic limit) the stress applied to a solid is proportional to the strain producedHubble law, Hubble's law - (astronomy) the generalization that the speed of recession of distant galaxies (the red shift) is proportional to their distance from the observerKepler's law, Kepler's law of planetary motion - (astronomy) one of three empirical laws of planetary motion stated by Johannes KeplerKirchhoff's laws - (physics) two laws governing electric networks in which steady currents flow: the sum of all the currents at a point is zero and the sum of the voltage gains and drops around any closed circuit is zerolaw of averages - a law affirming that in the long run probabilities will determine performancelaw of constant proportion, law of definite proportions - (chemistry) law stating that every pure substance always contains the same elements combined in the same proportions by weightlaw of diminishing returns - a law affirming that to continue after a certain level of performance has been reached will result in a decline in effectivenesslaw of effect - (psychology) the principle that behaviors are selected by their consequences; behavior having good consequences tends to be repeated whereas behavior that leads to bad consequences is not repeatedlaw of equivalent proportions, law of reciprocal proportions - (chemistry) law stating that the proportions in which two elements separately combine with a third element are also the proportions in which they combine togetherlaw of gravitation, Newton's law of gravitation - (physics) the law that states any two bodies attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them | | 5. | law - the branch of philosophy concerned with the law and the principles that lead courts to make the decisions they dojurisprudence, legal philosophyphilosophy - the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethicscontract law - that branch of jurisprudence that studies the rights and obligations of parties entering into contractscorporation law - that branch of jurisprudence that studies the laws governing corporationsmatrimonial law - that branch of jurisprudence that studies the laws governing matrimonypatent law - that branch of jurisprudence that studies the laws governing patents | | 6. | law - the learned profession that is mastered by graduate study in a law school and that is responsible for the judicial system; "he studied law at Yale"practice of lawlearned profession - one of the three professions traditionally believed to require advanced learning and high principleslaw, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"traverse, deny - deny formally (an allegation of fact by the opposing party) in a legal suitdisbar - remove from the bar; expel from the practice of law by official action; "The corrupt lawyer was disbarred" | | 7. | law - the force of policemen and officers; "the law came looking for him"constabulary, police, police forcepersonnel, force - group of people willing to obey orders; "a public force is necessary to give security to the rights of citizens"European Law Enforcement Organisation, Europol - police organization for the European Union; aims to improve effectiveness and cooperation among European police forcesgendarmerie, gendarmery - French police force; a group of gendarmes or gendarmes collectivelyMutawa, Mutawa'een - religious police in Saudi Arabia whose duty is to ensure strict adherence to established codes of conduct; offenders may be detained indefinitely; foreigners are not excludedMounties, RCMP, Royal Canadian Mounted Police - the federal police force of CanadaNew Scotland Yard, Scotland Yard - the detective department of the metropolitan police force of Londonsecret police - a police force that operates in secrecy (usually against persons suspected of treason or sedition)Schutzstaffel, SS - special police force in Nazi Germany founded as a personal bodyguard for Adolf Hitler in 1925; the SS administered the concentration campslaw enforcement agency - an agency responsible for insuring obedience to the lawsposse, posse comitatus - a temporary police forcepolice officer, policeman, officer - a member of a police force; "it was an accident, officer" |
lawnoun1. constitution, code, legislation, charter, jurisprudence Obscene and threatening phone calls are against the law.2. the police, constabulary, the police force, law enforcement agency, the boys in blue (informal), the fuzz (slang), the Old Bill (slang) If you lot don't stop fighting I'll have the law round.3. statute, act, bill, rule, demand, order, command, code, regulation, resolution, decree, canon, covenant, ordinance, commandment, enactment, edict The law was passed on a second vote.4. rule, order, ruling, principle, standard, direction, regulation, guideline, decree, maxim, ordinance, tenet, dictum, precept the laws of the Church of England5. principle, standard, code, formula, criterion, canon, precept, axiom inflexible moral laws6. the legal profession, the bar, barristers a career in lawlay down the law be dogmatic, call the shots (informal), pontificate, rule the roost, crack the whip, boss around, dogmatize, order about or around traditional parents who believed in laying down the law for their offspringRelated words adjectives legal, judicial, juridicial, juralQuotations "The end of the law is, not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom" [John Locke Second Treatise of Civil Government] "It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can keep him from lynching me, and I think that's pretty important" [Martin Luther King Jr] "The law is a causeway upon which so long as he keeps to it a citizen may walk safely" [Robert Bolt A Man For All Seasons] "No brilliance is needed in the law. Nothing but common sense, and relatively clean finger nails" [John Mortimer A Voyage Round My Father] "Laws were made to be broken" [John Wilson Noctes Ambrosianae] "The Common Law of England has been laboriously built about a mythical figure - the figure of "The Reasonable Man"" [A.P. Herbert Uncommon Law] "We do not get good laws to restrain bad people. We get good people to restrain bad laws" [G.K. Chesterton All Things Considered] "The law is a ass - a idiot" [Charles Dickens Oliver Twist] "Written laws are like spider's webs; they will catch, it is true, the weak and poor, but would be torn in pieces by the rich and powerful" [Anacharsis] "Law is a bottomless pit" [Dr. Arbuthnot The History of John Bull] "The one great principle of the English law is to make business for itself" [Charles Dickens Bleak House] "The laws of most countries are far worse than the people who execute them, and many of them are only able to remain laws by being seldom or never carried into effect" [John Stuart Mill The Subjection of Women]Proverbs "Hard cases make bad laws" "One law for the rich, and another for the poor"LawLaw terms abandonee, abate, abator, abet, abeyance, able, absente reo, absolute, acceptance (Contract law), accessory or accessary, accretion, accrue, accusation, accusatorial, accuse, accused, the, acquit, action, actionable, act of God, adjective, ad litem, adminicle, administration order, admissible, adopt, adult, advocate, advocation, affiant, affidavit, affiliate or filiate, affiliation or filiation, affiliation order, affiliation proceedings or (U.S.) paternity suit, affirm, affirmation, affray, agist, alibi, alienable, alienate, alienation, alienee, alienor, alimony, allege, alluvion, ambulatory, a mensa et thoro, amerce (obsolete), amicus curiae, amnesty, ancient, annulment, answer, Anton Piller order, appeal, appearance, appellant, appellate, appellee, appendant, approve, arbitrary, arbitration, arraign, array, arrest judgment, arrest of judgement, articled clerk, assault, assessor, assets, assign, assignee, assignment, assignor, assumpsit, attach, attachment, attainder, attaint (archaic), attorn, attorney, attorney-at-law, attorney general, authentic, authority, automatism, aver, avoid, avoidance, avow (rare), avulsion, award, bail, bailable, bailee (Contract law), bailiff, bailiwick, bailment (Contract law), bailor (Contract law), bailsman (rare), ban, bankrupt, bar, baron (English law), barratry or barretry, barrister or barrister-at-law, bench, the, bencher, beneficial, beneficiary, bequeath, bequest, bigamy, bill of attainder, bill of indictment, bill of sale, blasphemy or blasphemous libel, body corporate, bona fides, bona vacantia, bond, bondsman, breach of promise, breach of the peace, breach of trust, brief, briefless, bring, burden of proof, capias, capital, caption, carnal knowledge, cartulary or chartulary, case, case law, case stated or stated case, cassation, cause, caution, CAV, Cur. adv. vult, or Curia advisari vult, caveat, caveator, certificate of incorporation (Company law), chamber counsel or counsellor, chambers, certification, certiorari, cessor, cessionary, challenge, challenge to the array, challenge to the polls, champerty, chance-medley, chancery, change of venue, charge, chargeable, cheat, chief justice, chose, circuit (English law), citation, cite, civil death, civil marriage, clerk to the justices, close, codicil, codification, coexecutor, cognizable or cognisable, cognizance or cognisance, collusion, come on, commitment, committal, or (especially formerly) mittimus, common, commonage, common law, commutable, commutation, commute, competence, competency, competent, complainant, complaint (English law), complete (Land law), compound, compliance officer, composition, compurgation, conclusion, condemn, condition, condone, confiscate, connivance, connive, conscience clause, consensual, consideration, consolidation, consortium, constituent, constitute, constructive, contempt, contentious, continuance (U.S.), contraband, contract, contractor, contributory (Company law), contributory negligence, contumacy, convene, conventional, conversion, convert, conveyance, convincing, coparcenary or coparceny, coparcener or parcener, copyhold, copyholder, co-respondent, coroner, coroner's inquest, coroner's jury, corpus delicti, corpus juris, Corpus Juris Civilis, costs, counsel, counselor or counselor-at-law (U.S.), count, countercharge, counterclaim, counterpart, countersign, county court, court, court of first instance, covenant, coverture, covin, criminal conversation, criminate (rare), cross-examine, crown court (English law), cruelty, culpa (Civil law), culprit, cumulative evidence, custodian, custody, custom, customary, cy pres, damages, damnify, dead letter, debatable, decedent (chiefly U.S.), declarant, declaration, declaratory, decree, decree absolute, decree nisi, deed, deed poll, defalcate, defamation, default, defeasible, defeat, defence, defendant, deferred sentence, de jure, delict (Roman law), demand, demandant, demisit sine prole, demur, demurrer, denunciation (obsolete), deodand (English law), deponent, depose, deposition, deraign or darraign (obsolete), dereliction, descendible or descendable, desertion, detainer, determinable, determination, determine, detinue, devil, devisable, devise, devolve, dies non or dies non juridicus, digest, diligence, diminished responsibility, direct evidence, disaffirm, disafforest or disforest (English law), disannul, disbar, discharge, disclaim, discommon, discontinue, discovert, discovery, disinherit, dismiss, disorderly, disorderly conduct, disorderly house, dissent, distrain or distress, distrainee, distraint, distributee (chiefly U.S.), distribution, distringas, disturbance, dividend, divorce from bed and board (U.S.), docket, documentation, Doe, domain, donee, donor, dot (Civil law), dotation, dowable, dower, droit, due process of law, duress, earnest or earnest money (Contract law), effectual, emblements, eminent domain, empanel or impanel, encumbrance, encumbrancer, enfranchise (English law), engross, engrossment, enjoin, enter, equitable, equity, escheat, escrow, estop, estoppel, estovers, estray, estreat, evict, evidence, evocation (French law), examination, examine, examine-in-chief, exception, execute, execution, executor or (fem.) executrix, executory, exemplary damages, exemplify, exhibit, ex parte, expectancy, expropriate, extend, extent (U.S.), extinguish, extraditable, extradite, extrajudicial, eyre (English legal history), fact, factor (Commercial law), false imprisonment, Family Division, felo de se, feme, feme covert, feme sole, fiction, fideicommissary (Civil law), fideicommissum (Civil law), fiduciary or fiducial, fieri facias, file, filiate, filiation, find, finding, first offender, fiscal, flaw, folio, forbearance, force majeure, foreclose, foreign, foreman, forensic, forensic medicine, legal medicine, or medical jurisprudence, forest, forfeit, forjudge or forejudge, fornication, free, fungible, garnish, garnishee, garnishment, gavelkind (English law), gist, goods and chattels, grand jury (chiefly U.S.), grand larceny, grantee, grant, grantor, gratuitous, gravamen, grith (English legal history), ground rent, guarantee, guardian, guilty, habeas corpus, hand down (U.S. & Canad.), handling, hear, hearing, hearsay, heir or (fem.) heiress (Civil law), heirship, hereditary, heres or haeres (Civil law), heritable, heritage, heritor, holder, homologate, hung jury, hypothec (Roman law), hypothecate, immovable, impartible, impediment, imperfect, implead (rare), imprescriptable, in articles, in banc, in camera, incapacitate, incapacity, in chancery, incompetent, incorporeal, incriminate, indefeasible, indemnity, indenture, indeterminate sentence, inducement, in escrow, infant, in fee, inferior court, infirm, in flagrante delicto or flagrante delicto, ingoing, inheritance, injunction, injury, innuendo, in personam, in posse, inquest, inquisition, inquisitorial, in rem, insanity, in specie, instanter, institutes, instruct, instructions, instrument, insurable interest, intendment, intent, intention, interdict (Civil law), interlocutory, interplead, interpleader, interrogatories, intervene, inter vivos, intestate, invalidate, in venter, ipso jure, irrepleviable or irreplevisable, issuable, issue, jail delivery (English law), jeopardy, joinder, joint, jointress, jointure, judge, judge-made, judges' rules, judgment or judgement, judgment by default, judicable, judicative, judicatory, judicature, judicial, judicial separation (Family law), judiciary, junior, jural, jurat, juratory, juridical, jurisconsult, jurisprudence, jurisprudent, jurist, juristic, juror, jury, juryman or (fem.) jurywoman, jury process, jus, jus gentium (Roman law), jus naturale (Roman law), jus sanguinis, jus soli, justice, justice court, justice of the peace, justiciable, justices in eyre (English legal history), justify, juvenile court, laches, land, lapse, larceny, Law French, Law Lords, law merchant (Mercantile law), lawsuit, law term, lawyer, leasehold, leaseholder, legist, letters of administration, lex loci, lex non scripta, lex scripta, lex talionis, libel, lien, limit, limitation, lis pendens, litigable, litigant, litigation, locus standi, magistrate, magistrates' court or petty sessions, maintenance, malfeasance, malice, manager, mandamus, mandate (Roman or Contract law), manslaughter, manus, mare clausum, mare liberum, material, matter, mayhem or maihem, memorandum, mens rea, mental disorder, mental impairment, merger, merits, mesne, ministerial, misadventure, mise, misfeasance, misjoinder, mispleading, mistrial, misuser, mittimus, monopoly, moral, moratorium, morganatic or left-handed, mortgagee, mortmain or (less commonly) dead hand, motion, moveable or movable, muniments, mute, naked, Napoleonic Code, necessaries, negligence, next friend, nisi, nisi prius (history or U.S.), nolle prosequi, nol. pros., or nolle pros., nolo contendere (chiefly U.S.), nonage, non compos mentis, nonfeasance, nonjoinder, non liquet, non prosequitur or non pros., nonsuit, notary public, not guilty, novation, novel (Roman law), nude, nudum pactum, nuisance, oath, obiter dictum, obligation, oblivion, obreption, obscene, obtaining by deception, occupancy, occupant, offer (Contract law), Official Referee, onerous, onomastic, on, upon or under oath, onus probandi, open, opening, ordinary, overt, owelty, oyer (English legal history), oyer and terminer, panel, paraphernalia, pardon, parol, Particulars of Claim, party, paterfamilias (Roman law), peculium (Roman law), pecuniary, pecuniary advantage, pendente lite, perception, peremptory, persistent cruelty, personal, personal property or personalty, petit, petition, petitioner, petit jury or petty jury, petit larceny or petty larceny, petty, place of safety order, plaint, plaintiff, plea, plea bargaining, plead, pleading, pleadings, portion, port of entry, posse, posse comitatus, possessory, post-obit, prayer, precedent, precept, predispose, pre-emption, prefer, preference, premeditation, premises, prescribe, prescription, presentment (chiefly U.S.), presents, presume, presumption, preterition (Roman law), prima facie, primogeniture, principal, private law, private nuisance, privilege, privileged, privity, privy, prize court, probable cause, probate, proceed, proceeding, process, process-server, procuration, procuratory, prohibition, promisee (Contract law), promisor (Contract law), proof, property centre, proponent, propositus, propound (English law), prosecute, prosecuting attorney (U.S.), prosecution, prosecutor, prothonotary or protonotary, prove, provocation (English criminal law), psychopathic disorder, public defender (U.S.), public law, public nuisance, public prosecutor, pupil (Civil law), pupillage, pursuant, purview, quarter sessions, queen's or king's evidence, question, question of fact (English law), question of law (English law), quitclaim, quo warranto, real, real property, rebutter, recaption, receivership, recital, recognizance or recognisance, recognizee or recognisee, recognizor or recognisor, recorder, recoup, recover, recovery, recrimination, re-examine, reference, refresher (English law), rejoin, rejoinder, relation, relator (English or U.S. law), release, relief, remand, remise, remission, remit, repetition (Civil law), replevin, replevy, replication, reply, report, reporter, representation (Contract law), reprieve, rescue, reservation, res gestae, residuary, residue, res ipsa loquitur, res judicata or res adjudicata, resolutive, respondent, rest, restitution, restrictive covenant, retain, retry, return, returnable, reverse, review, right of common, riot, rout, rule, ruling, run, salvo, saving, scandal, schedule, scienter, scire facias (rare), script, secularize or secularise, self-defence, self-executing, sentence, separation (Family law), sequester or sequestrate, sequestration, serjeant at law, serjeant, sergeant at law, or sergeant, servitude, session, settlement, settlor, severable, several, severance, sign, signatory, sine, sine prole, slander, smart money (U.S.), socage (English law), soke (English legal history), solatium (chiefly U.S.), sole, solemnity, solicitor, solution, sound, sound in, special case, special pleading, specialty, specific performance, spinster, spoliation, squat, stale, stand by (English law), stand down, statement, statement of claim, state's evidence (U.S.), statute law, statutory declaration, stillicide, stipulate (Roman law), stranger, stultify, submission, subpoena, subreption (rare), subrogate, subrogation, substantive, succeed, sue, sui juris, suit, suitor, summary, summary jurisdiction, summary offence, summation (U.S. law), summing-up, summons, suo jure, suo loco, surcharge, surety, surplusage, surrebuttal, surrebutter, surrejoinder, surrender, suspension, swear, swear in, swear out (U.S.), tales, tenancy, tenantry, tender, tenor, term, termor or termer, territorial court (U.S.), testament, testamentary, testate, testify, testimony, thing, third party, time immemorial, tipstaff, title, tort, tort-feasor, tortious, traffic court, transfer, transitory action, traverse, treasure-trove, trespass, triable, trial, trial court, tribunal, trover, try, udal, ultimogeniture, ultra vires, unalienable, unappealable, unavoidable, uncovenanted, unilateral, unincorporated, unlawful assembly, unreasonable behaviour, unwritten law, use, user, utter barrister, vacant, vacate, variance, vendee, vendor, venire facias, venireman (U.S.), venue, verdict, verification, verify, versus, vesture, vexatious, view, viewer, vindicate (Roman law), vindictive (English law), vitiate, voidable, voir dire, voluntary, voluntary arrangement, volunteer, voucher (English law, obsolete), wager of law (English legal history), waif (obsolete), waive, waiver, ward, ward of court, warrant, warranty (Contract or Insurance law), waste, will, witness, without prejudice, writ, writ of execution, wrong, year and a day (English law)Criminal law terms acquittal, actual bodily harm, arson, bailment, battery, burglary (English law), deception or (formerly) false pretences, embrace, embraceor or embracer, embracery, entry, felon, felonious, felony, force, forgery, grievous bodily harm, hard labour, housebreaking, impeach, indictable, indictment, infamous, malice aforethought, misdemeanant, misdemeanour, penal servitude (English law), perjure, perjury, personate, Riot Act, robbery, suborn, theft, thief, true bill (U.S. law), utterProperty law terms abatement, abstract of title, abuttals, abutter, accession, ademption, administration, administrator, advancement, adverse, amortize or amortise, appoint, appointee, appointment, appointor, appurtenance, betterment, chattel, chattel personal, chattel real, convey or assure, deforce, demesne, demise, descent, devisee, devisor, dilapidation, disentail, disseise, divest, dominant tenement, dominium or (rare) dominion, easement, ejectment, enfeoff, entail, entry, equity of redemption, estate, fee, fee simple, fee tail, fixture, freehold, freeholder, heir apparent, heir-at-law, heirdom, heirloom, heriditament, hotchpot, intrusion, messuage, mortgagor or mortgager, oust, ouster, particular, partition, party wall, perpetuity, power of appointment, reconvert, remainder, remainderman, remitter, result, reversion, reversioner, revert, riparian, seisin or (U.S.) seizin, servient tenement, severalty, survivor, tail, tenure, transferee, transferor or transferrer, unity of interest, vested, vested interest, warrantyScots law terms advocate, Advocate Depute, agent, aliment, alimentary, approbate, approbate and reprobate, arrestment, assignation, assize, avizandum, condescendence, continue, crown agent, culpable homicide, curator, decern, declarator, decreet, defender, delict, depone, desert, district court or (formerly) justice of the peace court, feu, feu duty, fire raising, hypothec, interdict, interlocutor, law agent, location, lockfast, mandate, multiplepoinding, notour, notour bankrupt, not proven, poind, poinding, precognition, procurator fiscal or fiscal, pupil, repetition, repone, sasine, sequestrate, sheriff officer, thirlage, tradition, tutor, wadset, warrant salelawnoun1. A principle governing affairs within or among political units:canon, decree, edict, institute, ordinance, precept, prescription, regulation, rule.2. The formal product of a legislative or judicial body:act, assize, bill, enactment, legislation, lex, measure, statute.3. Informal. A member of a law-enforcement agency:bluecoat, finest, officer, patrolman, patrolwoman, peace officer, police, policeman, police officer, policewoman.Informal: cop.Slang: bull, copper, flatfoot, fuzz, gendarme, heat, man (often uppercase).Chiefly British: bobby, constable, peeler.4. A broad and basic rule or truth:axiom, fundamental, principle, theorem, universal.verbTo institute or subject to legal proceedings:litigate, prosecute, sue.Idiom: bring suit.Translationslaw (loː) noun1. the collection of rules according to which people live or a country etc is governed. Such an action is against the law; law and order. 法律 法律2. any one of such rules. A new law has been passed by Parliament. 法令 法令3. (in science) a rule that says that under certain conditions certain things always happen. the law of gravity. 定律 定律,原理 ˈlawful adjective1. (negative unlawful) allowed by law. He was attacked while going about his lawful business. 依法的 依法的2. just or rightful. She is the lawful owner of the property. 合法的 合法的ˈlawfully adverb 依法的,合法地 依法地,合法地 ˈlawless adjective paying no attention to, and not keeping, the law. In its early days, the American West was full of lawless men. 目無法紀的 没有法律的,无法无天的 ˈlawlessly adverb 目無法紀地 非法地ˈlawlessness noun 目無法紀 非法lawyer (ˈloːjə) noun a person whose work it is to know about and give advice and help to others concerning the law. If you want to make your will, consult a lawyer. 律師 律师ˈlaw-abiding adjective obeying the law. a law- abiding citizen. 守法的 守法的law court (also court of law) a place where people accused of crimes are tried and legal disagreements between people are judged. 法院 法院ˈlawsuit noun a quarrel or disagreement taken to a court of law to be settled. 訴訟 诉讼be a law unto oneself to be inclined not to obey rules or follow the usual customs and conventions. 獨斷獨行 独断独行the law the police. The thief was still in the building when the law arrived. 警察 警察the law of the land the established law of a country. 國法 国法lay down the law to state something in a way that indicates that one expects one's opinion and orders to be accepted without argument. 發號施令 发号施令law See:- (one's) word is law
- a law unto
- a law unto (oneself)
- a law unto himself, herself, etc.
- a law unto yourself
- above suspicion
- above the law
- against the law
- be a law unto (oneself)
- be a law unto yourself
- bend the law
- break a law
- break a/the law
- common law
- get on the wrong side of the law
- go to law
- Godwin's law
- hard cases make bad laws
- have the law on (someone)
- have the law on somebody
- ignorance of the law is no excuse
- ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it
- in the eyes of the law
- John Law
- Johnny Law
- law and order
- law of averages
- law of the jungle
- law unto
- law unto oneself
- lay down the law
- lay down the law, to
- lemon law
- letter of the law
- long arm of the law
- long arm of the law, the
- Murphy's law
- Necessity knows no law
- on the wrong side of the law
- one law for the rich and another (law) for the poor
- one law for the rich and another for the poor
- Parkinson's law
- possession is nine parts of the law
- possession is nine points of the law
- possession is nine points/tenths/parts of the law
- possession is nine-tenths of the law
- self-preservation is the first law of nature
- sign into
- sign on
- Sod's law
- someone's word is law
- stand your ground law
- take (someone or something) to law
- take into one's own hands, to
- take someone to law
- take the law into (one's) own hands
- take the law into one's hands
- take the law into own hands
- take the law into your own hands
- the law
- the law is a ass
- the law of averages
- the law of diminishing returns
- the law of the jungle
- the law of the Medes and Persians
- the letter of the law
- the long arm of the law
- the spirit of the law
- There ought to be a law!
- there's no law against (something)
- there's no law against it
- there's no law against something
- unwritten law
- vote into law
- your, his, etc. word is law
See law See lawlaw
law [law] a uniform or constant fact or principle. For specific named laws, see under the name.law of independent assortment the members of gene pairs segregate independently during meiosis; see also mendel's laws.inverse square law the intensity of radiation is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source of radiation.law of segregation in each generation the ratio of (a) pure dominants, (b) dominants giving descendants in the proportion of three dominants to one recessive, and (c) pure recessives is 1:2:1. This ratio follows from the fact that the two alleles of a gene cannot be a part of a single gamete, but must segregate to different gametes. See also mendel's laws.law (law), 1. A principle or rule. See also: principle, rule, theorem. 2. A statement of fact detailing a sequence or relation of phenomena that is invariable under given conditions. See also: principle, rule, theorem. [A.S. lagu] Government A regulation, statute, enactment, act, bill, decree, edict, bylaw, rule, ruling, ordinance, dictum, command, order, directive, pronouncement, proclamation, dictate, fiat SciSpeak A uniform principle or constantlaw A uniform principle or constant. See Boyle's law, Charles' law, Farr's law of epidemics, Fick's law of diffusion, Frank-Starling law, Gown's law, Gresham's law, Hardy-Weinberg law, Harvard law, Heart law, Leborgne's law, Moore's law, Murphy's law of genetics, Natural law, Natural sexual law, Ohm's law, Periodic law, Roemer's law, Sutton's law, Talion law Government A legislative act that compels compliance. See AIDS disclosure law, Annie's law, Anti-dumping law, Antikickback law, Antisubstitution law, Antitrust law, Baby Doe law, Bad baby law, Chinese Law on Maternal & Infant Health Care law, Company doctor law, Due process law, Good Samaritan law, Heart law, Megan's law, Preemptive tobacco control law, Prompt payment law, Roemer's law, Seat belt law, Son of Sam law, Stark law, Sunset law. law (law) 1. A principle or rule. 2. A statement of a sequence or relation of phenomena that is invariable under the given conditions. See also: principle, rule, theorem[A.S. lagu]lawIn science, a statement of facts or principles which is considered invariable under the given conditions having been tested and tried. Abney's law The total luminance of an area is equal to the sum of the luminances that compose it. Alexander's law An increase in the intensity of a jerk nystagmus when the eyes move in the direction of the fast phase. all or none law The response in a nerve fibre to any stimulus strong enough to produce a response is always of the same amplitude. However, different nerve fibres have action potentials with different amplitudes. An increase in the intensity of the stimulus yields only an increase in the frequency of nerve impulses (or action potentials). Syn. all or nothing law. Aubert-Förster law See Aubert-Förster phenomenon. Bloch's law The luminance L of a stimulus required to produce a threshold response is inversely proportional to the duration of exposure t of the stimulus, i.e.Lt = Cwhere C is a constant. This law is only valid for exposure t below about 0.1s. Bunsen-Roscoe law In photochemistry, the product of the intensity of the light stimulus and the duration of exposure is a constant. Syn. law of reciprocity. cosine law See diffusion. Descartes' law See law of refraction. Donders' law For any determinate position of the line of fixation with respect to the head there corresponds a definite and invariable angle of torsion. Draper's law An effect is produced in a medium only by that portion of the spectrum which is absorbed by the medium. The effect may be thermal, chemical or the production of fluorescence. Syn. Grotthus' law. Emmert's law The apparent size of a projected after-image varies in proportion to the distance of the surface on which it is projected. The law can be expressed by the following relationship h/H = d/D, where h is the linear size of the object, H the apparent size of the projected after-image, d the object's distance from the observer and D the distance between the observer and the surface on which the after-image is projected. It follows from the above expression that H = hD/d, i.e. the greater the distance of the projected image the larger its apparent size.l. of equal innervation See Hering's law of equal innervation. Fechner's law The intensity of a sensation S varies as the logarithm of the intensity I of the stimulus, i.e.S = k log Iwhere k is a constant. However, in some conditions this law is not valid and Stevens' law (or power law) is more appropriate. This stipulates that the intensity of a sensation S varies as the intensity of the stimulus I to the power of x, i.e.S = kIxwhere x is a constant which depends on the stimulus. See magnitude estimation. Fermat's law The path taken by a light ray in going from one point to another is that route which takes the least time. Syn. Fermat's principle. Ferry-Porter law The critical flicker frequency F is directly proportional to the logarithm of the luminance L of the stimulus, i.e.F = a log L + bwhere a and b are constants. See critical fusion frequency. Granit-Harper law The critical fusion frequency increases with the logarithm of the retinal area stimulated. Grassmann's law's Laws of colour mixture. 1. The first law states that any colour C of the visible spectrum can be matched in appearance by a mixture of three primary colours, such as red R, green G and blue B, provided that none of these can be matched by a mixture of the other two, i.e.C = αR + βG + γBwhere α, β and γ are the relative proportions of the chosen primaries.2. Additive property: if a colour is added in an identical manner to two equivalent mixtures (or single colours) the two new mixtures will appear identical, i.e. if A + B = C + D, then A + B + X = C + D + X, or if A = B, then A + X = B + X.3. Scalar property: if the brightness of each of two equivalent mixtures is increased or decreased by the same factor the two new mixtures will appear identical, i.e. if A + B = C + D, then k (A + B) = k (C + D).4. Associative property: if a colour is substituted in one of the mixtures by an equivalent colour the two new mixtures will appear identical, i.e. if A + B = C + D and X = B, then A + X = C + D. Grotthus' law See Draper's law. Helmholtz's law of magnification See Lagrange's law. Hering's law of equal innervation Innervation to the extraocular muscles is equal to both eyes. Thus, all movements of the two eyes are equal and symmetrical. Syn. Hering's law; law of equal innervation. See yoke muscles. law of identical visual directions An object stimulating corresponding retinal points is localized in the same apparent monocular direction in each eye. Syn. law of oculocentric visual direction. See line of direction; retinal corresponding points. inverse square law of illumination The illuminance E of a surface by a point source is directly proportional to the luminous intensity I of a point source and to the cosine of the angle θ of incidence and inversely proportional to the square of the distance d between the surface and the source, i.e.E = I cos (θ)/d2Syn. law of illumination. See illuminance. Imbert-Fick law Applied to applanation tonometry, this law states that the intraocular pressure P (in mmHg) is equal to the tonometer weight W (in g) divided by the applanated area A (in mm2), hence,P = W/AThis law is correct only for infinitely thin, dry, elastic, spherical membranes. Kirschmann's law The greatest contrast in colour is seen when the luminosity difference is small. Knapp's law A correcting lens placed at the anterior focal plane of an axially ametropic eye forms an image equal in size to that formed in a standard emmetropic eye. Knapp's law applies to the relative spectacle magnification but not to the spectacle magnification. Syn. Knapp's rule. Kollner's law See Kollner's rule. Lagrange's law In paraxial optics, the product of the index of refraction of image space n′, the image size h′ and the half-angle of the refracted cone in image space u′ is equal to the product of the index of refraction of object space n, the object size h and the half-angle of the incident cone in object space u, i.e.n′h′u′ = nhuSyn. Helmholtz's law of magnification; Lagrange's relation; Smith-Helmholtz law. See sign convention. Lambert's law See diffusion. Listing's law When an eye moves to any position from the primary position, it may be considered to have made a single rotation about an axis that is perpendicular to both the initial and final lines of fixation at their point of intersection. law of oculocentric visual direction See law of identical visual directions. Piéron's law See Ricco's law. Piper's law See Ricco's law. Planck's law Law giving the energy distribution of a black body as a function of wavelength, for a specified temperature. power law See Fechner's law. Prentice's law The prismatic effect P in prism dioptres at a point on a lens is equal to the product of the distance c in centimetres of the point from the optical centre of the lens, and the dioptric power F of the lens, i.e.P = cFSyn. Prentice's rule. See differential prismatic effect; prism power; induced prism. law of reciprocity See Bunsen-Roscoe law. law of reflection The incident and reflected rays and the normal to the surface at the point of incidence lie in the same plane and the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection (Fig. L5). law of refraction The incident and refracted rays and the normal to the surface at the point of incidence lie in the same plane and the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence i to the sine of the angle of refraction i′ is a constant for any two media, i.e.where n and n′ are the refractive indices of the first and second medium, respectively. This constant (n′/n) is called the relative index of refraction for the two media. Syn. Descartes' law; Snell's law. See index of refraction; sign convention. Ricco's law The product of the absolute threshold of luminance L and the image area A is a constant, i.e.LA = CThis law is valid for small images subtending an angle of a few minutes of arc in the fovea and to one degree in the near macular region. For larger images in the macular area, Piéron's law applies; it states that the product of the luminance L of the image at threshold and the cube root of the retinal area A stimulated is a constant, i.e.L3ÎA = CIn the peripheral retina, Piper's law becomes valid. This law states that the product of the luminance of the stimulus L and the square root of the area A is a constant, i.e.LÎA = CIn the far periphery of the retina, L tends to become independent of A. Sherrington's law of reciprocal innervation The contraction of a muscle is accompanied by simultaneous and proportional relaxation of its antagonist. For example, if the superior oblique muscle contracts, its antagonist, the inferior oblique muscle, relaxes. The validity of this law has been established by electromyography. Smith-Helmholtz law See Lagrange's law. Snell's law See law of refraction. Stevens' law See Fechner's law. Talbot's law See Talbot-Plateau law. Talbot-Plateau law The brightness of a light source presented at short intervals above the critical fusion frequency is equal to that which would be produced by a constant light source of an intensity equal to the mean value of the intermittent stimuli. Syn. Talbot's law. Weber's law The just noticeable difference (or difference threshold) in intensity of a stimulus ΧI varies as a constant ratio of the initial intensity of the stimulus I, i.e.ΧI = kIwhere k = {ΧI/I} is a constant called Weber's fraction (Weber's constant). Example: if the initial stimulus was a light source of 1000 cd/m2 and k = 0.01 (or 1%), ΧI = 0.01 ✕ 1000 = 10 cd/m2. Syn. Weber-Fechner law. See differential threshold. Weber-Fechner law See Weber's law." >Fig. L5 Light ray incident at O on a surface separating two media of different refractive indices, n and n′
Table L1 Approximate amount of spectacle lens decentration (in mm) of its optical centre away from the pupillary centre of the eye to produce five prismatic effects (in prism dioptres) for distance vision. The results ignore the effect of spherical aberration | lens power + or − | prismatic effect required | | 1 Χ | 2 Χ | 3 Χ | 4 Χ | 5 Χ | 20 D | 0.5 | 1.0 | 1.5 | 2.0 | 2.5 | 16 D | 0.6 | 1.3 | 1.9 | 2.5 | 3.1 | 14 D | 0.7 | 1.4 | 2.1 | 2.9 | 3.6 | 12 D | 0.8 | 1.7 | 2.5 | 3.3 | 4.2 | 10 D | 1.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 | 5.0 | 9 D | 1.1 | 2.2 | 3.3 | 4.4 | 5.6 | 8 D | 1.3 | 2.5 | 3.8 | 5.0 | 6.3 | 7 D | 1.4 | 2.9 | 4.3 | 5.7 | 7.1 | 6 D | 1.7 | 3.3 | 5.0 | 6.7 | 8.3 | 5 D | 2.0 | 4.0 | 6.0 | 8.0 | 10.0 | 4 D | 2.5 | 5.0 | 7.5 | 10.0 | 12.5 | 3 D | 3.3 | 6.7 | 10.0 | 13.3 | 16.7 | 2 D | 5.0 | 10.0 | 15.0 | 20.0 | 25.0 | 1 D | 10.0 | 20.0 | 30.0 | 40.0 | 50.0 |
law (law) 1. A principle or rule. 2. A statement of fact detailing a sequence or relation of phenomena that is invariable under given conditions. [A.S. lagu]Patient discussion about lawQ. Mother in law not accepting the diagnosis. Our 3 years old son was diagnosed with autism some time ago, and although it’s not easy, our family and friends support and help us a lot, except my mother in-law (that lives close to us). She refuse to accept the fact that our son has autism, and keeps telling we are just hysteric and with little education our child will grow up just fine. What can we do? Were we wrong when we decided to tell everyone?A. I believe that it is a matter of time until your mother in-law realizes the full extent of your son's condition. Perhaps now she cannot accept it, and would rather think of him as a normal healthy child, and with time she will grow to understand his needs and capabilities. The most important thing for you to do is keep her involved in his life, so that she will give him all the love he can get from his grandmother, regardless of his autism. It seems to me you are a strong family with great people around you, that will help you with anything you need, so work on what is best for your son, and that is loving him. Don't spend too much time worrying about what others know or believe. Q. My brother in law is dealing with cancer. how can I help my sister deal with him?? My brother in law's cancer is treated by the best doctors of the ccountry. what I'm afraid of is my sister's depression. Since her husband was diagnosed and stopped working she is so down, she can hardly take care of her kids.It's like her world has darkened and I really don't know how to help her. Would really appreciate any advice. thank you, bless you all.A. I lost my husband to cancer 5yrs ago, and it really helped me alot when my friend would come and just sit with me, helped with my house work, phone calls, meals and just a hug now and again. Give her all the time she needs to talk and cry and allow her time to be afraid. It is all normal. Just keep loving her, she knows your there and will appreciate it. Even small things you do for her are now big. When you can make her smile do so..... My prayers are with all of you. Q. My brother-in-law named Jacob has bi-polar schizophrenia; please help us by giving some solution for this… My brother-in-law named Jacob has bi-polar schizophrenia; he is currently on his medication and takes them faithfully in a positive mood. We have a hard time communicating with each other and it's destroying our marriage, please help us by giving some solution for this… More discussions about lawlaw
LawA body of rules of conduct of binding legal force and effect, prescribed, recognized, and enforced by controlling authority. In U.S. law, the word law refers to any rule that if broken subjects a party to criminal punishment or civil liability. Laws in the United States are made by federal, state, and local legislatures, judges, the president, state governors, and administrative agencies. Law in the United States is a mosaic of statutes, treaties, case law, Administrative Agency regulations, executive orders, and local laws. U.S. law can be bewildering because the laws of the various jurisdictions—federal, state, and local—are sometimes in conflict. Moreover, U.S. law is not static. New laws are regularly introduced, old laws are repealed, and existing laws are modified, so the precise definition of a particular law may be different in the future from what it is today. The U.S. Constitution The highest law in the United States is the U.S. Constitution. No state or federal law may contradict any provision in the Constitution. In a sense the federal Constitution is a collection of inviolable statutes. It can be altered only by amendment. Amendments pass after they are approved by two-thirds of both houses of Congress or after petition by two-thirds of the state legislatures. Amendments are then ratified by three-fourths of the state legislatures or by conventions in three-fourths of the states. Upon ratification, the amendment becomes part of the Constitution. Beneath the federal Constitution lies a vast body of other laws, including federal statutes, treaties, court decisions, agency regulations, and executive orders, and state constitutions, statutes, court decisions, agency regulations, and executive orders. Statutes and Treaties After the federal Constitution, the highest laws are written laws, or statutes, passed by elected federal lawmakers. States have their own constitution and statutes. Federal laws generally involve matters that concern the entire country. State laws generally do not reach beyond the borders of the state. Under Article VI, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution, federal laws have supremacy over state and local laws. This means that when a state or local law conflicts with a federal law, the federal law prevails. Federal statutes are passed by Congress and signed into law by the president. State statutes are passed by state legislatures and approved by the governor. If a president or governor vetoes, or rejects, a proposed law, the legislature may override the Veto if at least two-thirds of the members of each house of the legislature vote for the law. Statutes are contained in statutory codes at the federal and state levels. These statutory codes are available in many public libraries, in law libraries, and in some government buildings, such as city halls and courthouses. They are also available on the World Wide Web. For example, the statutory codes that are in effect in the state of Michigan can be accessed at . A researcher may access the United States Code, which is the compilation of all federal laws, at . The site is maintained by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives. On the federal level, the president has the power to enter into treaties, with the advice and consent of Congress. Treaties are agreements with sovereign nations concerning a wide range of topics such as environmental protection and the manufacture of nuclear missiles. A treaty does not become law until it is approved by two-thirds of the U.S. Senate. Most treaties are concerned with the actions of government employees, but treaties also apply to private citizens. Case Law Statutes are the primary source of law, and the power to enact statutes is reserved to elected lawmakers. However, judicial decisions also have the force of law. Statutes do not cover every conceivable case, and even when a statute does control a case, the courts may need to interpret it. Judicial decisions are known collectively as case law. A judicial decision legally binds the parties in the case, and also may serve as a law in the same prospective sense as does a statute. In other words, a judicial decision determines the outcome of the particular case, and also may regulate future conduct of all persons within the jurisdiction of the court. The opinions of courts, taken together, comprise the Common Law. When there is no statute specifically addressing a legal dispute, courts look to prior cases for guidance. The issues, reasoning, and holdings of prior cases guide courts in settling similar disputes. A prior opinion or collection of opinions on a particular legal issue is known as precedent, and courts generally follow precedent, if any, when deciding cases. Breaking with precedent may be justified when circumstances or attitudes have changed, but following precedent is the norm. This gives the common law a certain predictability and consistency. The common law often controls civil matters, such as contract disputes and personal injury cases (torts). Almost all criminal laws are statutory, so common law principles are rarely applied in criminal cases. Sometimes courts hear challenges to statutes or regulations based on constitutional grounds. Courts can make law by striking down part or all of a particular piece of legislation. The Supreme Court has the power to make law binding throughout the country on federal constitutional issues. The highest court in each state has the same power to interpret the state constitution and to issue holdings that have the force of law. Occasionally courts create new law by departing from existing precedent or by issuing a decision in a case involving novel issues, called a case of first impression. If legislators disagree with the decision, they may nullify the holding by passing a new statute. However, if the court believes that the new statute violates a constitutional provision, it may strike down all or part of the new law. If courts and lawmakers are at odds, the precise law on a certain topic can change over and over. Common-Law Courts Courts of law are a fundamental part of the U.S. judicial system. The U.S. Constitution and all state constitutions recognize a judicial branch of government that is charged with adjudicating disputes. Beginning in the 1990s, vigilante organizations challenged the judicial system by establishing their own so-called common-law courts. By 1996 these common-law courts existed in more than 30 states. Though they have no legitimate power, being created without either constitutional or statutory authority, and in fact sometimes contravene established law. Traditionally, common-law courts administered the Common Law, that is, law based on prior decisions rather than statutes. These new common-law courts, however, are premised on a mixture of U.S. Constitutional Law, English common law, and the Bible, all filtered through an often racist and anti-Semitic world view that holds the U.S. legal system to be illegitimate. These common-law courts imitate the formalities of the U.S. justice system, issuing subpoenas, making criminal indictments, and hearing cases. Most of their cases involve Divorce decrees and foreclosure actions. Many of the persons on the courts or seeking their assistance are in dire financial circumstances. They wish to prevent the loss of their property by having a common-law court declare them free of the loans they have secured from banks. Though common-law courts appeared to be merely a symbolic attempt by extremists to assert their political legitimacy, the actions of some of them led to prosecution for criminal conspiracy. Common-law courts have issued arrest warrants for judges and prosecutors in Montana and Idaho and have threatened sheriffs who refused to follow their instructions. In 1994 the Garfield County, Montana, prosecutor charged members of a common-law court with criminal syndicalism, for advocating violence against public officials. One court member was sentenced to ten years in prison, and others received shorter sentences. When researching a legal issue, it is helpful to consult relevant case law. The researcher first finds the relevant annotated statutes, and then reads the cases that are listed under the statutes. Reading case law helps the researcher understand how the courts interpret statutes, and also how the courts analyze related issues that are not covered in the statutes. Volumes of case law can be found in some public libraries, in law libraries, in courthouses, and in state government buildings such as statehouses and state libraries. Case law research can also be conducted using the Internet. For example, Cornell University's online Legal Information Institute () offers recent and historic U.S. Supreme Court decisions, as well as recent New York appeals decisions. Agency Regulations and Executive Orders Administrative agencies may also create laws. The federal and state constitutions implicitly give the legislatures the power to create administrative agencies. Administrative agencies are necessary because lawmakers often lack detailed knowledge about important issues, and they need experts to manage the regulation of complex subjects. On the federal level, for example, the Department of the Interior was created by Congress to manage the nation's natural resources. In creating the agency, Congress gave it power to promulgate regulations concerning the use and protection of natural resources. Administrative agency regulations have the force of law if they have a binding effect on the rights and duties of persons. For example, Interior Department regulations that prohibit mining or logging in certain areas of the country are considered law, even though they are not formulated by an elected official or judge. Federal administrative agency rules are approved by Congress, so ultimately they are a product of the will of elected officials. Similarly, on the state and local levels, an administrative agency may promulgate rules that have the force of law, but only at the pleasure of the elected lawmakers that created the agency. If an agency seeks to change a regulation, it must, in most cases, inform the public of its intentions and provide the public with an opportunity to voice concerns at a public meeting. Not all agency regulations have the force of law. Agency rules that merely interpret other rules, state policy, or govern organization, procedure, and practice need not be obeyed by parties outside the agency. Some administrative agencies have Quasi-Judicial powers. That is, they have limited authority to hear disputes and make binding decisions on matters relevant to the agency. For example, the Health and Human Services Department (HHS) has a court with authority to hear cases concerning actions by the HHS, such as the denial of Social Security benefits. An administrative law judge (ALJ) presides over the court, and appeals from ALJ decisions can be taken to an HHS appeals council. If an administrative agency has quasi-judicial powers, decisions made by the ALJ and boards of appeals have the force of law. The quickest way to uncover information about state agency regulations is to search the World Wide Web. Most state agencies maintain a comprehensive website. Each state's Secretary of State can also be accessed on the Web. Most agencies are named according to their area of concern. For example, a department of Gaming is concerned with gambling, and a department of fish, game, and wildlife is concerned with issues related to hunting and wildlife conservation. Executive orders are issued to interpret, implement, or administer laws. On the federal level, executive orders are issued by the president or by another Executive Branch official under the president's direction. Executive orders range from commands for detailed changes in federal administrative agency procedures to commands for military action. To have the force of law, a federal Executive Order must be published in the Federal Register, the official government publication of executive orders and federal administrative agency regulations. On the state level, governors have similar authority to make laws concerning state administrative agencies and state military personnel. Local Laws Counties, cities, and towns also have the authority to make laws. Local laws are issued by elected lawmakers and local administrative agencies. Local laws cannot conflict with state or federal laws. Decisions by local courts generally operate as law insofar as they apply to the participants in the case. To a lesser extent, local court decisions may have a prospective effect. That is, a local court decision can operate as precedent, but only in cases brought within the same jurisdiction. For example, a decision by a court in Green County may affect future court cases in Green County, but it has no bearing on the law in any other county. Local laws can be found in local courthouses, in local libraries, and in state government libraries. Local laws may also be accessed via the World Wide Web. Cross-references Administrative Law and Procedure; Civil Law; Congress of the United States; Constitutional Amendment; Constitution of the United States; Court Opinion; Criminal Law; Equity; Federalism; Federal Register; Judicial Review; Private Law; Public Law; Stare Decisis. lawn. 1) any system of regulations to govern the conduct of the people of a community, society or nation. Custom or conduct governed by the force of the local king were replaced by laws almost as soon as man learned to write. The earliest lawbook was written about 2100 B.C. for Ur-Nammu, king of Ur, a middle-eastern city-state. Within three centuries Hammurabi, king of Babylonia, had enumerated laws of private conduct, business and legal precedents of which 282 articles have survived. The term "eye for an eye" (or the equivalent value) is found there, as is drowning as punishment for adultery by a wife (while a husband could have slave concubines), and unequal treatment of the rich and the poor was codified here first. It took another thousand years before written law codes developed among the Greek city states (particularly Athens) and Israel. China developed similar rules of conduct, as did Egypt. The first law system which has a direct influence on the American legal system was the codification of all classic law ordered by the Roman Emperor Justinian in 528 and completed by 534, becoming the law of the Roman empire. This is known as the Justinian Code upon which much of the legal systems of most European nations are based to this day. The principal source of American law is the English Common Law which had its roots about the same time as Justinian, among Angles, Britons and later Saxons in Britain. William the Conqueror arrived in 1066 and combined the best of this Anglo-Saxon law with Norman law, which resulted in the English Common Law, much of which was by custom and precedent rather than by written code. The American colonies followed the English Common Law with minor variations, and the four-volume Commentaries on the Laws of England by Sir William Blackstone (completed in 1769) was the legal "bible" for all American frontier lawyers and influenced the development of state codes of law. To a great extent Common Law has been replaced by written statutes, and a gigantic body of such statutes have been enacted by federal and state legislatures supposedly in response to the greater complexity of modern life. "The law" is the governmental response to society's need for both regularity, consistency and justice based upon collective human experience. 2) n. a statute, ordinance, or regulation enacted by the legislative branch of a government and signed into law, or in some nations created by decree without any democratic process. This is distinguished from "natural law" which is not based on statute, but on alleged common understanding of what is right and proper (often based on moral and religious precepts as well as common understanding of fairness and justice). 3) n. a generic term for any body of regulations for conduct, including specialized rules (military law), moral conduct under various religions, and for organizations, usually called "by-laws." (See: common law, maritime law, malum in se, malum prohibitum, natural law) law ‘every law is the invention and gift of the gods’ (Demosthenes); ‘laws were made that the stronger might not in all things have his own way’ (Ovid); ‘it would be better to have no laws at all than it is to have so many as we have’ (Montaigne); ‘all law has for its object to confirm and exalt in a system the exploitation of the workers by a ruling class’ (Bakunin); ‘the law is reason free from passion’ (Aristotle). JURISPRUDENCE is the occupation and science of trying to define law.LAW. In its most general and comprehensive sense, law signifies a rule of action; and this term is applied indiscriminately to all kinds of action; whether animate or inanimate, rational or irrational. 1 Bl. Com. 38. In its more confined sense, law denotes the rule, not of actions in general, but of human action or conduct. In the civil code of Louisiana, art. 1, it is defined to be "a solemn expression of the legislative will." Vide Toull. Dr. Civ. Fr. tit. prel. s. 1, n. 4; 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 1-3. 2. Law is generally divided into four principle classes, namely; Natural law, the law of nations, public law, and private or civil law. When considered in relation to its origin, it is statute law or common law. When examined as to its different systems it is divided into civil law, common law, canon law. When applied to objects, it is civil, criminal, or penal. It is also divided into natural law and positive law. Into written law, lex scripta; and unwritten law, lex non scripta. Into law merchant, martial law, municipal law, and foreign law. When considered as to their duration, laws are immutable and arbitrary or positive; when as their effect, they are prospective and retrospective. These will be separately considered. LAW, ARBITRARY. An arbitrary law is one made by the legislator simply because he wills it, and is not founded in the nature of things; such law, for example, as the tariff law, which may be high or low. This term is used in opposition to immutable. LAW, CANON. The canon law is a body of Roman ecclesiastical law, relative to such matters as that church either has or pretends to have the proper jurisdiction over: 2. This is compiled from the opinions of the ancient Latin fathers, the decrees of general councils, and the decretal epistles and bulls of the holy see. All which lay in the same confusion and disorder as the Roman civil law, till about the year 1151, when one Gratian, an Italian monk, animated by the discovery of Justinian's Pandects, reduced the ecclesiastical constitutions also into some method, in three books, which he entitled Concordia discordantium canonum, but which are generally known by the name of Decretum Gratiani. These reached as low as the time of Pope Alexander III. The subsequent papal decrees to the pontificate of Gregory IX., were published in much the same method, under the auspices of that pope, about the year 1230, in five books, entitled Decretalia Gregorii noni. A sixth bookwas added by Boniface VIII., about the year 1298, which is called Sextus decretalium. The Clementine constitution or decrees of Clement V., were in like manner authenticated in 1317, by his successor, John XXII., who also published twenty constitutions of his own, called the Extravagantes Joannis, all of which in some manner answer to the novels of the civil law. To these have since been added some decrees of the later popes, in five books called Extravagantes communes. And all these together, Gratian's Decrees, Gregory's Decretals, the Sixth Decretals, the Clementine Constitutions, and the Extravagants of John and his successors, form the Corpus juris canonici, or body of the Roman canon law. 1 Bl. Com. 82; Encyclopedie, Droit Canonique, Droit Public Ecclesiastique; Dict. de Jurispr. Droit Canonique; Ersk. Pr. L. Scotl. B. 1, t. 1, s. 10. See, in general, Ayl. Par. Jur. Can. Ang.; Shelf. on M. & D. 19; Preface to Burn's Eccl. Law, by Thyrwhitt, 22; Hale's Hist. C. L. 26-29; Bell's Case of a Putative Marriage, 203; Dict. du Droit Canonique; Stair's Inst. b. 1, t. 1, 7. LAW, CIVIL. The term civil law is generally applied by way of eminence to the civil or municipal law of the Roman empire, without distinction as to the time when the principles of such law were established or modified. In another sense, the civil law is that collection of laws comprised in the institutes, the code, and the digest of the emperor Justinian, and the novel constitutions of himself and some of his successors. Ersk. Pr. L. Scotl. B. 1, t. l, s. 9; 6 L. R. 494. 2. The Institutes contain the elements or first principles of the Roman law, in four books. The Digests or Pandects are in fifty books, and contain the opinions and writings of eminent lawyers digested in a systematical method, whose works comprised more than two thousand volumes, The new code, or collection of imperial constitutions, in twelve books; which was a substitute for the code of Theodosius. The novels or new constitutions, posterior in time to the other books, and amounting to a supplement to the code, containing new decrees of successive emperors as new questions happened to arise. These form the body of the Roman law, or corpus juris civilis, as published about the time of Justinian. 3. Although successful in the west, these laws were not, even in the lifetime of the emperor universally received; and after the Lombard invasion they became so totally neglected, that both the Code and Pandects were lost till the twelfth century, A. D. 1130; when it is said the Pandects were accidentally discovered at Amalphi, and the Code at Ravenna. But, as if fortune would make an atonement for her former severity, they have since been the study of the wisest men, and revered as law, by the politest nations. 4. By the term civil law is also understood the particular law of each people, opposed to natural law, or the law of nations, which are common to all. Just. Inst. l. 1, t. 1, Sec. 1, 2; Ersk. Pr. L. Scot. B. 1, t. 1, s. 4. In this sense it, is used by Judge Swift. See below. 5. Civil law is also sometimes understood as that which has emanated from the secular power opposed to the ecclesiastical or military. 6. Sometimes by the term civil law is meant those laws which relate to civil matters only; and in this sense it is opposed to criminal law, or to those laws which concern criminal matters. Vide Civil. 7. Judge Swift, in his System of the Laws of Connecticut, prefers the term civil law, to that of municipal law. He considers the term municipal to be too limited in its signification. He defines civil law to be a rule of human action, adopted by mankind in a state of society, or prescribed by the supreme power of the government, requiring a course of conduct not repugnant to morality or religion, productive of the greatest political happiness, and prohibiting actions contrary thereto, and which is enforced by the sanctions of pains and penalties. 1 Sw. Syst. 37. See Ayl. Pand. B. 1, t. 2, p. 6. See, in general, as to civil law, Cooper's Justinian the Pandects; 1 Bl. Com. 80, 81; Encyclopedie, art. Droit Civil, Droit Romain; Domat, Les Loix Civiles; Ferriere's Dict.; Brown's Civ. Law; Halifax's Analys. Civ. Law; Wood's Civ. Law; Ayliffe's Pandects; Hein. Elem. Juris.; Erskine's Institutes; Pothier; Eunomus, Dial. 1; Corpus Juris Civilis; Taylor's Elem. Civ. Law. LAW, COMMON. The common law is that which derives its force and authority from the universal consent and immemorial practice of the people. It has never received the sanction of the legislature, by an express act, which is the criterion by which it is distinguished from the statute law. It has never been reduced to writing; by this expression, however, it is not meant that all those laws are at present merely oral, or communicated from former ages to the present solely by word of mouth, but that the evidence of our common law is contained in our books of Reports, and depends on the general practice and judicial adjudications of our courts. 2. The common law is derived from two sources, the common law of England, and the practice and decision of our own courts. In some states the English common law has been adopted by statute. There is no general rule to ascertain what part of the English common law is valid and binding. To run the line of distinction, is a subject of embarrassment to courts, and the want of it a great perplexity to the student. Kirb. Rep. Pref. It may, however, be observed generally, that it is binding where it has not been superseded by the constitution of the United States, or of the several states, or by their legislative enactments, or varied by custom, and where it is founded in reason and consonant to the genius and manners of the people. 3. The phrase "common law" occurs in the seventh article of the amendments of the constitution of the United States. "In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall not exceed twenty dollar says that article, "the right of trial by jury shall be preserved. The "common law" here mentioned is the common law of England, and not of any particular state. 1 Gall. 20; 1 Bald. 558; 3 Wheat. 223; 3 Pet. R. 446; 1 Bald. R. 554. The term is used in contradistinction to equity, admiralty, and maritime law. 3 Pet. 446; 1 Bald. 554. 4. The common law of England is not in all respects to be taken as that of the United States, or of the several states; its general principles are adopted only so far as they are applicable to our situation. 2 Pet, 144; 8 Pet. 659; 9 Cranch, 333; 9 S. & R. 330; 1 Blackf 66, 82, 206; Kirby, 117; 5 Har. & John. 356; 2 Aik. 187; Charlt. 172; 1 Ham. 243. See 5 Cow. 628; 5 Pet. 241; 1 Dall. 67; 1 Mass. 61; 9 Pick. 532; 3 Greenl. 162; 6 Greenl. 55; 3 Gill & John. 62; Sampson's Discourse before the Historical Society of New York; 1 Gallis. R. 489; 3 Conn. R. 114; 2 Dall. 2, 297, 384; 7 Cranch, R. 32; 1 Wheat. R. 415; 3 Wheat. 223; 1 Blackf. R. 205; 8 Pet. R. 658; 5 Cowen, R. 628; 2 Stew. R. 362. LAW, CRIMINAL. By criminal law is understood that system of laws which provides for the mode of trial of persons charged with criminal offences, defines crimes, and provides for their punishments. LAW, FOREIGN. By foreign laws are understood the laws of a foreign country. The states of the American Union are for some purposes foreign to each other, and the laws of each are foreign in the others. See Foreign laws. LAW, INTERNATIONAL. The law of nature applied to the affairs of nations, commonly called the law of nations, jus gentium; is also called by some modern authors international law. Toullier, Droit Francais, tit. rel. Sec. 12. Mann. Comm. 1; Bentham. on Morals, &c., 260, 262; Wheat. on Int. Law; Foelix, Du Droit Intern. Prive, n. 1. LAW, MARTIAL. Martial law is a code established for the government of the army and navy of the United States. 2. Its principal rules are to be found in the articles of war. (q.v.) The object of this code, or body of regulations is to, maintain that order and discipline, the fundamental principles of which are a due obedience of the several ranks to their proper officers, a subordination of each rank to their superiors, and the subjection of the whole to certain rules of discipline, essential to their acting with the union and energy of an organized body. The violations of this law are to be tried by a court martial. (q.v.) 3. A military commander has not the power, by declaring a district to be under martial law, to subject all the citizens to that code, and to suspend the operation of the writ of habeas corpus. 3 Mart. (Lo.) 531. Vide Hale's Hist. C. L. 38; 1 Bl. Com. 413; Tytler on Military Law; Ho. on C. M.; M'Arth. on C. M.; Rules and Articles of War, art. 64, et seq; 2 Story, L. U. S. 1000. LAW, MERCHANT. A system of customs acknowledged and taken notice of by all commercial nations; and those customs constitute a part of the general law of the land; and being a part of that law their existence cannot be proved by witnesses, but the judges are bound to take notice of them ex officio. See Beawes' Lex Mercatoria Rediviva; Caines' Lex Mercatoria Americana; Com. Dig. Merchant, D; Chit. Comm. Law; Pardess. Droit Commercial; Collection des Lois Maritimes anterieure au dix hutiŠme siŠcle, par Dupin; Capmany, Costumbres Maritimas; II Consolato del Mare; Us et Coutumes de la Mer; Piantandia, Della Giurisprudenze Maritina Commerciale, Antica e Moderna; Valin, Commentaire sur l'Ordonnance de la Marine, du Mois d'Aout, 1681; Boulay-Paty, Dr. Comm.; Boucher, Institutions au Droit Maritime. LAW, MUNICIPAL. Municipal law is defined by Mr. Justice Blackstone to be "a rule of civil conduct prescribed by the supreme power in a state, commanding what is right and prohibiting what is wrong." This definition has been criticised, and has been perhaps, justly considered imperfect. The latter part has been thought superabundant to the first; see Mr. Christian's note; and the first too general and indefinite, and too limited in its signification to convey a just idea of the subject. See Law, civil. Mr. Chitty defines municipal law to be "a rule of civil conduct, prescribed by the supreme power in a state, commanding what shall be done or what shall not be done." 1 Bl. Com. 44, note 6, Chitty's edit. 2. Municipal law, among the Romans, was a law made to govern a particular city or province; this term is derived from the Latin municipium, which among them signified a city which was governed by its own laws, and which had its own magistrates. LAW, PENAL. One which inflicts a penalty for a violation of its enactment. LAW, POSITIVE. Positive law, as used in opposition to natural law, may be considered in a threefold point of view. 1. The universal voluntary law, or those rules which are presumed to be law, by the uniform practice of nations in general, and by the manifest utility of the rules themselves. 2. The customary law, or that which, from motives of convenience, has, by tacit, but implied agreement, prevailed, not generally indeed among all nations, nor with so permanent a utility as to become a portion of the universal voluntary law, but enough to have acquired a prescriptive obligation among certain states so situated as to be mutually benefited by it. 1 Taunt. 241. 3. The conventional law, or that which is agreed between particular states by express treaty, a law binding on the parties among whom such treaties are in force. 1 Chit. Comm. Law, 28. LAW, PRIVATE. An act of the legislature which relates to some private matters, which do not concern the public at large. LAW, PROSPECTIVE. One which provides for, and regulates the future acts of men, and does not interfere in any way with what has past. LAW, PUBLIC. A public law is one in which all persons have an interest. LAW, RETROSPECTIVE. A retrospective law is one that is to take effect, in point of time, before it was passed. 2. Whenever a law of this kind impairs the obligation of contracts, it is void. 3 Dall. 391. But laws which only vary the remedies, divest no right, but merely cure a defect in proceedings otherwise fair, are valid. 10 Serg. & Rawle, 102, 3; 15 Serg. & Rawle, 72. See Ex post facto. LAW, STATUTE. The written will of the legislature, solemnly expressed according to the forms prescribed by the constitution; an act of the legislature. See Statute. LAW, UNWRITTEN, or lex non scripta. All the laws which do not come under the definition of written law; it is composed, principally, of the law of nature, the law of nations, the common law, and customs. LAW, WRITTEN, or lex scripta. This consists of the constitution of the United States the constitutions of the several states the acts of the different legislatures, as the acts of congress, and of the legislatures of the several states, and of treaties. See Statute. FinancialSeeLEGALLAW
Acronym | Definition |
LAW➣Love and Wisdom (band) | LAW➣League of American Writers (est. 1935) | LAW➣Live Audio Wrestling | LAW➣Ladies against Women | LAW➣League of American Wheelmen | LAW➣Landing Weight (aviation) | LAW➣Laser Artillery Weapon (toy) | LAW➣Low Activity Waste | LAW➣Lawyers Against the War (Canadian legal foundation) | LAW➣Lawyer At Work | LAW➣Local Area Wireless | LAW➣Leeds Animation Workshop | LAW➣Language Arts and Writing (course) | LAW➣Local Air Warning | LAW➣Low Altitude Warning | LAW➣Land Attack Warfare (US Navy) | LAW➣Light Assault Weapon | LAW➣Local Authority Workstation | LAW➣Lastabehangige Automatische Wegesuche (German: Automatic last choice routing) | LAW➣Lawton, OK, USA - Municipal (Airport Code) | LAW➣Logic Analysis Workstation | LAW➣Low Acid Waste | LAW➣Lubricant, Arctic Weather | LAW➣Light Antitank/Antiarmor Weapon |
Synonyms for lawnoun constitutionSynonyms- constitution
- code
- legislation
- charter
- jurisprudence
noun the policeSynonyms- the police
- constabulary
- the police force
- law enforcement agency
- the boys in blue
- the fuzz
- the Old Bill
noun statuteSynonyms- statute
- act
- bill
- rule
- demand
- order
- command
- code
- regulation
- resolution
- decree
- canon
- covenant
- ordinance
- commandment
- enactment
- edict
noun ruleSynonyms- rule
- order
- ruling
- principle
- standard
- direction
- regulation
- guideline
- decree
- maxim
- ordinance
- tenet
- dictum
- precept
noun principleSynonyms- principle
- standard
- code
- formula
- criterion
- canon
- precept
- axiom
noun the legal professionSynonyms- the legal profession
- the bar
- barristers
phrase lay down the lawSynonyms- be dogmatic
- call the shots
- pontificate
- rule the roost
- crack the whip
- boss around
- dogmatize
- order about or around
Synonyms for lawnoun a principle governing affairs within or among political unitsSynonyms- canon
- decree
- edict
- institute
- ordinance
- precept
- prescription
- regulation
- rule
noun the formal product of a legislative or judicial bodySynonyms- act
- assize
- bill
- enactment
- legislation
- lex
- measure
- statute
noun a member of a law-enforcement agencySynonyms- bluecoat
- finest
- officer
- patrolman
- patrolwoman
- peace officer
- police
- policeman
- police officer
- policewoman
- cop
- bull
- copper
- flatfoot
- fuzz
- gendarme
- heat
- man
- bobby
- constable
- peeler
noun a broad and basic rule or truthSynonyms- axiom
- fundamental
- principle
- theorem
- universal
verb to institute or subject to legal proceedingsSynonyms |