

单词 mic



M0267650 (mīk)n. Informal A microphone.


(maɪk) n (Electronics) informal short for microphone




mic drop

1. verb To dramatically drop one's microphone (or, often, to mimic such a motion) after a particularly decisive or impressive performance, action, or statement. Did you see him mic drop after that rap battle?2. noun A decisive or impressive statement or action. You were so confident during your presentation that the last slide was like, boom, mic drop! I think the partners were very impressed. That dunk was the mic drop that ended the series.See also: drop, mic

drop the mic

1. To dramatically drop one's microphone (or, often, to mimic such a motion) after a particularly decisive or impressive performance, action, or statement. Did you see him drop the mic after that rap battle?2. By extension, to perform a decisive or impressive action. Dude just dropped the mic with that dunk!See also: drop, mic



(immunology) major immunogene complex (electronics) microwave integrated circuit


(1) See microphone.

(2) (Many Integrated Core) An Intel parallel computing architecture. See Xeon Phi.

(3) (Memory In Cassette) A storage chip inside a magnetic tape cassette used to enhance read/write operations. See LTO and AIT.



Abbreviation for minimal inhibitory concentration.


Abbreviation for:
maternal and infant care
medical industrial complex
medical intensive care (intensive care)
methyl isocyanate
microscopy (see there)
minimum inhibitory concentration (see there)
mobile intensive care
model immune complex
morphology-immunology-cytogenetics (haematology)


1. Methyl isocyanate.2. Minimum inhibitory concentration, see there.


Abbreviation for minimal inhibitory concentration.


MICMicrowave (oven)
MICMessage Integrity Check
MICMusic Information Centre (Norway)
MICMade in China
MICMinimum Inhibitory Concentration (medical)
MICMalaysian Indian Congress
MICMedical Image Computing
MICMotorcycle Industry Council
MICMilitary Industrial Complex
MICMessage Integrity Code (cryptography)
MICMinimal Inhibitory Concentration (lowest concentration of drug that inhibits more than 99% of the bacterial population)
MICManufacturing Industrial Council (Seattle, WA)
MICMethyl Isocyanate
MICMaking It Count (various organizations)
MICModular Interface Card (various companies)
MICMedical Informatics Congress
MICMinimal-Invasive Chirurgie (German: Minimally Invasive Surgery)
MICMinistry of Information and Communication (South Korea)
MICMortgage Insurance Company (various locations)
MICMusic Institute of Chicago (Chicago, IL)
MICMilitary Intelligence Corps (various locations)
MICMates in Construction (Australia)
MICMortgage Investors Corporation (various locations)
MICMicrobiologically Influenced Corrosion
MICMineral Insulated Cable
MICMarketing Information Center (various organizations)
MICMechanical Interface Card
MICMicrosoft Image Composer
MICMarket Intelligence Center
MICMultimedia Innovation Centre
MICMicrocode Instruction Sequenzer
MICMandatory Integrity Control
MICMotion Intraframe Codec
MICMemory in Cassette
MICMessage Integrity Code
MICManagement Instrumentation Commandline
MICModem Interface Card
MICMobile Interface Card
MICMode Indicate Common
MICMachine Identification Code
MICMonsta Island Czars (hip hop)
MICMandatory Integrity Control (Microsoft Windows security feature)
MICMemory in Cassette (Sony)
MICMedia and Information Commission (Zimbabwe)
MICMiami Intermodal Center (ground transportation hub; Miami, FL)
MICMotors Insurance Corporation
MICMedia Information Center
MICModel-Integrated Computing
MICMicrowave Integrated Circuit
MICMonitoring and Information Centre
MICManagement Information Center
MICMinistère de l'Industrie et du Commerce (Québec, Canada)
MICMacrophage Inflammatory Protein
MICMedia Interface Connector
MICMathematics in Context
MICMade In Chicago (musician)
MICMemory Interface Controller
MICMonolithic Integrated Circuit
MICMove in Condition (real estate)
MICManagement Information Consulting (Virginia)
MICMaritime Industry Council (Hong Kong)
MICMultiple Interface Connection
MICMountain Instructor Certificate (UK)
MICManufacturers Investment Credit (California)
MICModular Industrial Controller (computer hardware)
MICMedium Interface Connector
MICMinor in Consumption (alcohol)
MICMethodist International Centre (London, England)
MICMinnesota Inventors Congress
MICMinaean International Corp. (Canada)
MICMultinational Interoperability Council
MICMasonic Information Center
MICMusic Industry Commission (various locations)
MICMarine Inspector and Cleaner (vacuum cleaning system)
MICMarket Identification Code (ISO)
MICMicrobiological Induced Corrosion
MICMobile Internet Capital, Inc. (Japan)
MICMinimum Ignition Current
MICMaximum Import Capacity (electric power)
MICMaritime Intelligence Center
MICMicrosoft Internet Chat
MICManager's Internal Control (US DoD)
MICMultilingual Intake Center (Jersey City Public Schools)
MICMichigan International Camporee (international scout camp)
MICMidfield Institute of Cosmetology (Bimingham, AL)
MICMining Impact Coalition
MICMaximum Inscribed Circle
MICMagistrates in the Community (UK)
MICMaximum Inhibitory Concentration
MICMinuteman Implant Club, Inc.
MICMidget Community (gaming clan)
MICMillimolar Concentration (microbiology)
MICMovimiento Indigena Colombiano (Spanish: Colombian Indigenous Movement)
MICMoron in Charge
MICMolecular Imaging Corp
MICManagement Information Corporation
MICMagnetic Ink Characters
MICMaterial Identification Code
MICMetal Industries Company, Ltd
MICMaterial Identification and Control
MICMachinery Insurance Cooperative
MICManagement Interface Controller
MICMeeting in Conference
MICMultistage Interference Canceller
MICMcAfee India Center (Bangalore, India)
MICMemory Interface Component
MICMarble Institute of Colorado
MICMessage Investigation Center
MICMultifiber Indoor Cable
MICMachine Interface Code
MICMemory Interface Card
MICMaster Item Code
MICMutual Interference Chart
MICMode Indicator Common
MICMission Intelligence Coordinator (US Air Force)
MICMilitant Insurance Clerks
MICMiddle Icelandic (linguistics)
MICMissile Interface Console
MICMFV International Corporation (various locations)
MICMaritime Interception Commander
MICMaintenance Interconnecting Cabinet
MICMajor Information Center
MICManagement Indicator Code
MICMajor Item Center
MICCongregation of Marians Immaculate Conception (religious order)
MICMatch Indicator Code
MICMarketing Initiated Change
MICModificador Indirecto O Complementario (Spanish grammar)
MICMissile Interconnecting Cabinet
MICMissile Interface Controller
MICMarked Idle Channel
MICMedicine Information Center
MICMamey Investment Corporation (California)




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