Miatlev, Ivan Petrovich
Miatlev, Ivan Petrovich
Born Jan. 28 (Feb. 8), 1796, in St. Petersburg; died there Feb. 13 (25), 1844. Russian poet.
Miatlev was the son of a wealthy landowner and senator. He was educated at home. In literary circles and high society, Miatlev became known for his witticisms and dilettante verse. His couplets, impromptus, occasional verses, and puns were highly esteemed by A. S. Pushkin, M. Iu. Lermontov, and V. A. Zhukovskii.
Miatlev’s first collections of lyrical poetry, Persuaded to Publish (books 1–2, 1834–35), were not a success. His talent was best demonstrated in the comic narrative poem The Sensations and Observations of Mme Kurdiukova Abroad—Dans I’Etranger (vols. 1–3, 1840–44), which ridiculed the ignorant and haughty Russian nobility. In its artistic originality, this work anticipated the appearance of Koz’ma Prutkov. Several of Miatlev’s verses, such as “A Triple Brandy, or Ecstasy,” “Artamonych,” and “Little Lanterns, Little Lords,” became urban folk songs.