释义 |
NIMBYacronym for Not In My Back Yard; opposition to something offensive or hazardous nearbyNIM·BY N0109300 (nĭm′bē)n. pl. NIM·BYs Slang One who objects to a project, especially one intended for the benefit of the public, such as a school or landfill, being sited near one's residence. [n(ot) i(n) m(y) b(ack) y(ard).]NIMBY (ˈnɪmbɪ) n acronym fornot in my back yard: a person who objects to the occurrence of something if it will affect him or her or take place in his or her localityNIMBY or Nim•by (usu. ˈnɪm bi) not in my backyard (used to refer to persons or groups that oppose the introduction into their neighborhood of an institution they consider objectionable, as a prison or psychiatric clinic). [1980–85] Nim′by•ism, n. nimbyA person who objects to something considered undesirable, such as a halfway house or industrial plant, being established in his or her neighborhood while being happy for it to be set up elsewhere (not in my back yard).ThesaurusNoun | 1. | NIMBY - someone who objects to siting something in their own neighborhood but does not object to it being sited elsewhere; an acronym for not in my backyardacronym - a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the namedissenter, dissident, objector, protester, contestant - a person who dissents from some established policy | Translations
NIMBY1. An acronym for "not in my back yard," a clichéd expression of opposition to some development or change proposed for one's immediate area, based on the opinion that it will have a negative impact on one's home or local surroundings. There will always be people shouting "NIMBY!" any time a development is proposed. Of course, there were plenty from the NIMBY movement who showed up to oppose the new condominiums being built over the old park.2. A person who espouses such views. For every proposed development, there are bound to be NIMBYs who oppose it no matter what.Not in my backyard! and NIMBY exclam. & comp. abb. Don’t locate something undesirable close to me. (Describes an attitude that people express about having noisy or dirty facilities installed close to where they live.) When you say, build the new incinerator here, I say NIMBY. See also: notNIMBY verbSee Not in my backyard!NIMBYAcronym for “not in my backyard,” voicing a strong objection to construction projects or institutions considered detrimental to one’s neighborhood or locality. The term is relatively new, dating from about 1980, although the sentiment expressed is much older. A Boston Globe editorial on October 27, 2003, describing a compromise in proposed zoning for multifamily housing, was entitled “A Nod to NIMBY-ism.”MedicalSeenimbiesNIMBY
NIMBYA derogatory term; an acronym for “not in my backyard.” It is intended to convey the sense that people are generally in favor of socially desirable programs such as half-way houses for felons, or unsavory but largely necessary uses such as waste disposal sites, as long as they are located in or near someone else's neighborhood. NIMBY
Acronym | Definition |
NIMBY➣Not In My Backyard | NIMBY➣Not in My Blue Yonder |
Words related to NIMBYnoun someone who objects to siting something in their own neighborhood but does not object to it being sited elsewhereRelated Words- acronym
- dissenter
- dissident
- objector
- protester
- contestant