Abd-Al-Rahman Al- Jabarti
Jabarti, Abd-Al-Rahman Al-
(also, al-Gabarti). Born 1753 or 1754; died 1826. Egyptian historian. Jabartïs main work, The Remarkable History of the Past in the Form of Descriptions of Lives and a Chronicle of Events, is the most significant Arab source for Egyptian history from the late 17th century to 1822. Jabarti sympathized with the liberation struggle of his people against the Mameluke Turks and French invaders. He criticized the Egyptian pasha Muhammad Ali very sharply, and as a result his chronicle was banned until 1879.
Ajaïbal-Atharfial-Tarajim w-al-Akhbar, vols. 1-4. Bulaq, 1879-80.In Russian translation:
Udivitel’naia istoriiaproshlogo, vol. 3, part 1, Moscow, 1962; vol. 4, Moscow, 1963.
Kil’berg, Kh. I. “Dzhabarti i 4-i torn ego istoricheskoi khroniki.” Narody Azii i Afriki, 1961, no. 2.Fil’shtinskii, I. M. “Egipetskii istorik al’-Dzhabarti i ego khronika.”
Vestnik istorii mirovoi kul’tury, 1960, no. 4.
Mahmud al-Sharkavi. Dirasat fi tarikh aV Jabarti (Studies in Jabartïs History), vols. 1-3. Cairo, 1955-66.