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Ortolani maneuver Ortolani maneuver (ōr'tō-lahn'ē), a maneuver for reduction of hip dislocation, using thigh flexion and abduction with anterior movement of the femoral head; reduction is accompanied by palpable reseating of the femoral head in the acetabulum. Synonym(s): Ortolani testOr·to·la·ni ma·neu·ver (ōr-tō-lah'nē mă-nū'vĕr) A maneuver for reduction of hip dislocation, using thigh flexion and abduction with anterior movement of the femoral head; reduction is accompanied by palpable reseating of the femoral head in the acetabulum. Ortolani maneuver (or-tŏ-lon′ē) [Marius Ortolani, 20th-cent. Italian orthopedic surgeon] A test to detect congenital subluxation or dislocation of the hip. The examiner places the infant on the back with hips and knees flexed while abducting and lifting the femurs. When the result is positive, a palpable click is felt as the femur enters the dysplastic joint. Ortolani, Marius, 20th century Italian orthopedic surgeon. Ortolani clickOrtolani maneuverOrtolani signOrtolani test - test for congenital hip dislocation. |