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orthotonos [or-thot´ŏ-nus] tetanic spasm that fixes the head, body, and limbs in a rigid straight line.or·thot·o·nos , orthotonus (ōr-thot'ŏ-nos, -ŏ-nŭs), A form of tetanic spasm in which the neck, limbs, and body are held fixed in a straight line. [ortho- + G. tonos, tension] or·thot·o·nos , orthotonus (ōr-thot'ŏ-nos, -nŭs) A form of tetanic spasm in which the neck, limbs, and body are held fixed in a straight line. [ortho- + G. tonos, tension] ORTHOTONOS ORTHOTONOSorthotonos, orthotonus (or-thŏt′ō-nŏs) (-nŭs) [″ + tonos, tension] Tetanic spasm marked by rigidity of the body in a straight line. See: illustrationillustration |