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orthosis (ɔːˈθəʊsɪs) n, pl -ses (-siːz) (Medicine) an artificial or mechanical aid, such as a brace, to support or assist movement of a weak or injured part of the bodyorthosisthe process of correcting bodily or mental distortion. — orthotic, adj.See also: Psychology the process of correcting bodily or mental distortion. — orthotic, adj.See also: Body, Human the process of correcting bodily or mental distortion.See also: InsanityTranslationsorthosisenUK
orthosis[ȯr′thōs·əs] (medicine) A device applied to a human limb to control or enhance movement or to prevent bone movement or deformity, for example, a splint or an arch support. orthosisenUK
orthosis [or-tho´sis] (Gr.) an orthopedic appliance or apparatus used to support, align, prevent, or correct deformities or to improve function of movable parts of the body. See also brace and splint.cervical orthosis a rigid plastic orthosis that encircles the neck and supports the chin and the back of the head; used in the treatment of injuries to the cervical spine. Cervical orthoses. A, Soft foam collar. B, Firm plastic collar. Cervical orthoses offering rigid support to the cervical spine: A, Halo-type cervical orthosis attached to a polyethylene jacket. B, Four poster orthosis.dynamic orthosis an orthosis that both gives support and aids in the initiation and performance of movement by a body part.flexion orthosis (flexor orthosis) tenodesis splint.or·tho·sis, pl. or·tho·ses (ōr-thō'sis, -sēz), An external orthopaedic appliance, for example, a brace or splint, that prevents or assists movement of the spine or the limbs. [G. orthōsis, a making straight] orthosis plural, orthoses Orthopedics The straightening of a deformity; an external device–eg, a cast, brace, or splint used to stabilize, reinforce or immobilize an extremity, ↓ sensory input to an extremity, prevent stretch weakness, ↓ contractures, functionally assist weak muscles, protect a limb with pressure sores, provide a mechanical block to prevent undesired movement Types Orthoses are available for spine, hip, foot, knee. See Foot orthotics, Scapular reaction. or·tho·sis, pl. orthoses (ōr-thō'sis, -sēz) An external orthopedic appliance, as a brace or splint, that prevents or assists movement of the spine or the limbs. Synonym(s): orthesis. [G. orthōsis, a making straight]orthosis (or-tho'sis) [Gr. orthosis, guidance, straightening] Any device added to the body to stabilize or immobilize a body part, prevent deformity, protect against injury, or assist with function. Orthotic devices range from arm slings to corsets and finger splints. They may be made from a variety of materials, including rubber, leather, canvas, rubber synthetics, and plastic. orthotic (-thot'ik), adjective ANKLE-FOOT ORTHOSISankle-foot orthosis Abbreviation: AFO Any of a class of external orthopedic appliances, braces, or splints devised to control, limit, or assist foot and ankle motion and provide leg support. Typically, orthotics are made of lightweight materials such as thermoplastics. See: illustrationPatient careA variety of ankle-foot orthoses are used. In the treatment of Achilles' tendon rupture, e.g., the orthosis holds the foot at a right angle to the horizontal plane of the body, in plantar flexion. balanced forearm orthosisMobile arm support.halo vest orthosisHalo vest.spinal orthosisA supportive device applied to the back (and often encircling the trunk) that limits the movement of the vertebrae, alleviates pain, or unloads mechanical stress; back brace. wrist-driven hand orthosis Abbreviation: WDHO An orthotic that uses the muscles of the wrist, esp. the extensor muscles, to drive the fingers together into a grasping motion. It can be used by people with paralysis of the hand to improve the ability to hold on to and release objects. wrist-driven wrist-hand orthosis Abbreviation: WDWHO A dynamic splint used for functional grasp by people with C6 tetraplegia. See: tenodesis (2); universal cuff.orthosis An appliance worn on the body to reduce or prevent deformity or to provide support, relieve pain and facilitate movement.OrthosisA force system designed to control or correct or compensate for a bone deformity, deforming forces, or forces absent from the body.Mentioned in: Cervical Spondylosis, Congenital Hip Dysplasia |