organic hallucinosis


 [hah-lu″sĭ-no´sis] a state characterized by hallucinations without other impairment of consciousness. adj. adj hallucinot´ hallucinosis a term used in a former system of classification, denoting an organic mental syndrome characterized by hallucinations caused by a specific organic factor and not associated with clouding of consciousness (delirium), intellectual impairment (dementia), mood disturbance, or prominent delusions (organic delusional syndrome). Such disorders are now mainly classified as substance-induced psychotic disorders and psychotic disorders due to a general medical condition. See also substance-induced disorders.

or·gan·ic hal·lu·ci·no·sis

the state of experiencing a false sensory perception in the absence of external stimulus observed in people with one of the organic mental disorders (for example, the frightening sensations experienced in alcoholic hallucinosis or by someone who has ingested LSD or another of the mind-altering drugs). See: hallucination.

or·gan·ic hal·lu·ci·no·sis

(ōr-ganik hă-lū'si-nōsis) Experiencing a false sensory perception in the absence of external stimulus observed in people with one of the organic mental disorders.