NSA line eater
NSA line eater
(messaging, tool)There is a mainstream variant of this myth involving a "TrunkLine Monitor", which supposedly used speech recognition toextract words from telephone trunks. This one was making therounds in the late 1970s, spread by people who had no idea ofthen-current technology or the storage, signal-processing,or speech recognition needs of such a project. On the basisof mass-storage costs alone it would have been cheaper to hire50 high-school students and just let them listen in.Speech-recognition technology can't do this job even now(1993), and almost certainly won't in this millennium, either.
The peak of silliness came with a letter to an alternativepaper in New Haven, Connecticut, laying out the factoids ofthis Big Brotherly affair. The letter writer then revealedhis actual agenda by offering - at an amazing low price, justthis once, we take VISA and MasterCard - a scramblerguaranteed to daunt the Trunk Trawler and presumably allowingthe would-be Baader-Meinhof gangs of the world to get on withtheir business.