Acronym | Definition |
NS➣No Smoking |
NS➣Non-Smoker |
NS➣Name Server |
NS➣Network Simulator (networking research) |
NS➣Nova Scotia |
NS➣Nintendo Switch |
NS➣Not Sure (survey response) |
NS➣Natural Selection |
NS➣National Security |
NS➣Not Significant |
NS➣Not Specified |
NS➣New South |
NS➣Netscape |
NS➣Network Services |
NS➣New South Wales (Australia) |
NS➣Norfolk Southern Railway (railroad) |
NS➣Non Stop |
NS➣Nervous System |
NS➣Suriname |
NS➣North South |
NS➣North Side |
NS➣North Star (District in the Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America) |
NS➣New Style |
NS➣Nippon Shaft |
NS➣National Service |
NS➣New Series |
NS➣Night Stand (TV show) |
NS➣Neurosurgery |
NS➣New Scientist |
NS➣Novi Sad (Vojvodina Province, Yugoslavia) |
NS➣Naval Station |
NS➣Norfork Southern (railway) |
NS➣Nuclear Safety |
NS➣Network Solutions (various locations) |
NS➣Neutron Star (astronomy) |
NS➣National Statistics |
NS➣Not Started |
NS➣Newsstand |
NS➣Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch Railroads) |
NS➣Nippon Steel (Japan) |
NS➣Ninja Storm (Power Rangers cartoon) |
NS➣Normal Saline |
NS➣Not Statistically Significant |
NS➣National Standard |
NS➣Nanosecond |
NS➣Nasal Spray (drug administration) |
NS➣No Support |
NS➣Night Strike (gaming) |
NS➣No Standard |
NS➣NetSuite |
NS➣Non-Structural (molecular biology) |
NS➣National Socialism |
NS➣Nonstandard |
NS➣NeXTStep (Apple Computer) |
NS➣Negeri Sembilan (Malaysian state) |
NS➣No Show |
NS➣Navy SEALs |
NS➣Nice Shot (games) |
NS➣Nickel Steel (product feature) |
NS➣Navier-Stokes |
NS➣Naming Service |
NS➣NickServ (IRC Nickname Server) |
NS➣National Seashore (National Park Service) |
NS➣Nephrotic Syndrome |
NS➣Naruto Shippuden (anime) |
NS➣Not Scheduled |
NS➣New Spring (Wheel of Time short novel) |
NS➣Neck Strap |
NS➣Nihon Spindle (Nihon Spindle Manufacturing Co. Ltd.) |
NS➣Non Sequitur (Latin: Not Continuing, epigraphy) |
NS➣NationStates (online game) |
NS➣Norsk Standard (Norwegian Standard) |
NS➣Nullsoft (developers of Winamp) |
NS➣Nippon Seiki (Japan) |
NS➣Nada Surf (band) |
NS➣Neighbor Solicitation (computing) |
NS➣Nanostructure |
NS➣No Surrender |
NS➣Nimbostratus (cloud formation) |
NS➣Network Series |
NS➣Number of Stations |
NS➣Near Side |
NS➣Non-Stationary Stochastic (neural information processing) |
NS➣No Synchronization |
NS➣Nuclear Submarine |
NS➣Noonan Syndrome |
NS➣NetStumbler (wireless network discovery software) |
NS➣Ninja Scroll (gaming) |
NS➣Non-Status |
NS➣Neutral Site |
NS➣Northsouth |
NS➣Nuclear Shuttle |
NS➣Null Space (mathematics) |
NS➣Named Storms (hurricanes) |
NS➣Nuclear Ship |
NS➣National Special (machine screw thread, Society of Automotive Engineers) |
NS➣Nut Shot |
NS➣Nerve-Sparing |
NS➣Network Strategy |
NS➣Ninja Sword |
NS➣Network Supervisor |
NS➣NATO Secret |
NS➣No Soliciting |
NS➣Nuclear Survivability (US DoD) |
NS➣NetStorm (video game) |
NS➣New Shekels |
NS➣Nature's Swiftness (gaming, World of Warcraft) |
NS➣Negative Small (number) |
NS➣Nissan Soap (Japan) |
NS➣No Stuff (polite form) |
NS➣Nadeem-Shravan (Indian film composers) |
NS➣Number of Suspensions |
NS➣N-Sider (gaming website) |
NS➣Node Switches |
NS➣National Stanine (educational testing) |
NS➣Non Serviceable |
NS➣Naughty Sorceress (gaming, Kingdom of Loathing character) |
NS➣Neighborhood Systems |
NS➣Narrow Sample |
NS➣Nurullah Sonmez (Turkey) |
NS➣Naval Sheltered (environment) |
NS➣Network Selector |
NS➣Netherton Disease |
NS➣Neutralized Solution |
NS➣Nazareth Sisters |
NS➣Nachschrift (Geman: Post Scriptum (PS)) |
NS➣NetStorager System (SGI) |