Acronym | Definition |
LN➣Lane |
LN➣Lincoln (postcode, United Kingdom) |
LN➣Loan |
LN➣Last Name |
LN➣Light Novel |
LN➣Line Number |
LN➣Line to Neutral |
LN➣Like New |
LN➣Logarithm (Natural) |
LN➣Liaison |
LN➣Lotus Notes |
LN➣Lymph Node |
LN➣Laguna Niguel (California city) |
LN➣Lightning Network |
LN➣Liquid Nitrogen |
LN➣Laan (Dutch: lane) |
LN➣Local National |
LN➣LexisNexis (online legal research tool) |
LN➣Leinen |
LN➣Licensed Nutritionist |
LN➣Libyan Arab Airlines (IATA code) |
LN➣Lawrence North (High School) |
LN➣La Nina |
LN➣League of Nations (predecessor to United Nations) |
LN➣Learning Network (USACE) |
LN➣Lega Nord (Italian: Northern League, political party) |
LN➣Lithium Niobate |
LN➣Lead Nation (US DoD) |
LN➣Local Nation(s) |
LN➣Language Neutral (Microsoft Windows programming) |
LN➣Load Number |
LN➣Leslie Nielsen (actor) |
LN➣Lawful Neutral (gaming) |
LN➣Leonard Nimoy (actor) |
LN➣Administrative Leave |
LN➣Level of Noise |
LN➣Larry Niven (Author) |
LN➣Link Utility |
LN➣Legalman (USN Rating) |
LN➣Location and Navigation |
LN➣Little Nickel (newspaper, Washington) |
LN➣Liga Nord (Northern League) |
LN➣Lolita Nation |
LN➣Logarithm, Napierian |
LN➣Local Occupation (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) |
LN➣Lotería Nacional Para La Asistencia Pública (México) |
LN➣Logistics Need |
LN➣Jamahirya Libyan Arab Airlines (IATA airline code) |