Acronym | Definition |
LMV➣League of Women Voters |
LMV➣Ley de Mercado de Valores (Spanish: Securities Market Law; Chile) |
LMV➣Lettuce Mosaic Virus |
LMV➣Light Motor Vehicle |
LMV➣Los Medicos Voladores (Spanish: The Flying Doctors) |
LMV➣Latina Media Ventures (New York, NY) |
LMV➣Low Mass Vehicle |
LMV➣Light Multipurpose Vehicle (various organizations) |
LMV➣Les Motards Varois (French motorcycle club) |
LMV➣Lower Master Valve (oil industry) |
LMV➣Liquid Metering Valve |
LMV➣Luxury Multipurpose Vehicle (Ford) |