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autokeratoplasty autokeratoplasty [aw″to-ker´ah-to-plas″te] grafting of corneal tissue from one eye to the other.au·to·ker·a·to·plas·ty (aw'tō-ker'ă-tō-plas'tē), Grafting of corneal tissue from one eye of a patient to the fellow eye. [auto- + G. keras, horn, + plastos, formed] autokeratoplasty (ô′tō-kĕr′ə-tō-plăs′tē)n. The grafting of corneal tissue from one eye to the other eye.au·to·ker·a·to·plas·ty (aw'tō-ker'ă-tō-plas-tē) Grafting of corneal tissue from one eye of a patient to the fellow eye. [auto- + G. keras, horn, + plastos, formed] |