Acronym | Definition |
NWO➣New World Order |
NWO➣Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) |
NWO➣Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science) |
NWO➣No Way Out |
NWO➣Network Operator |
NWO➣Nederlandse Wiskunde Olympiade (Dutch: Dutch Mathematics Olympiad) |
NWO➣Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung (German: Natural Economic Order) |
NWO➣North West Ohio |
NWO➣Neighborworks Organization |
NWO➣National Wrestling Organization |
NWO➣Network Warfare Operations |
NWO➣North West Ontario (Canada) |
NWO➣New Wrestling Order |
NWO➣Network Watch Officer |