Acronym | Definition |
MHL➣Marshall (Amtrak station code, Marshall, TX) |
MHL➣Marshall Islands (ISO Country code) |
MHL➣Microprocessor Host Loader |
MHL➣Mobile High-Definition Link (telecommunications) |
MHL➣Manual Handling of Loads |
MHL➣Mental Hygiene Law (New York state) |
MHL➣Miller High Life (beer) |
MHL➣Master of Hebrew Literature (degree) |
MHL➣Mountain Home Lodge (Leavenworth, WA) |
MHL➣Mental Health Line (New Zealand) |
MHL➣Mike's Hard Lemonade |
MHL➣Morgan H Lewis (Estate Agency, Wigan,United Kingdom) |
MHL➣Malaysia Hockey League |
MHL➣Moshi Moshi Hotline (Japanese Telemarketing Company) |
MHL➣Master's in Health Law (degree) |