

Sexuoeroticism linked to the thought or image of oneself as female.
Autogynephilia defines a transsexual typology and provides a theory of transsexual motivation: as Ray Blanchard proposed, male to female (MtF) transsexuals are either sexually attracted exclusively to men (homosexual) or are sexually attracted primarily to the thought or image of themselves as female (autogynephilic), and that autogynephilic transsexuals seek sex reassignment to actualise their autogynephilic desires.
Blanchard’s types of autogynephilia
• Transvestic—Fantasy of wearing women's clothing.
• Behavioural—Fantasy of engaging in typical feminine behaviour (e.g., knitting with women).
• Physiologic—Fantasy of pregnancy, breast feeding, menstruating.
• Anatomic—Fantasy of having a woman's body, including partial autogynephilia, where the focus is on a mix of male and female body parts.