Nikon Chronicle
Nikon Chronicle
a 16th-century Russian chronicle codex. It was named after the patriarch Nikon, to whom one of the copies belonged. Most of the chronicle was probably compiled in the 1520’s and 1530’s in the scriptorium of Metropolitan Daniil. It is an extensive compilation based on many sources, some of which have not survived. Revising the existing historical material, the compilers depicted the princes of Moscow, allied with the church, as having played the dominant role in the formation of the Russian state. In the 1560’s and 1570’s an illustrated version of the chronicle, called the Illustrated Codex of Chronicles, was compiled, giving the official interpretation of historical events.
Polnoe sobranie russkikh letopisei, vols. 9–13. Moscow, 1965.REFERENCES
Kloss, B. M. “Deiatel’nost’ mitropolich’ei knigopisnoi masterskoi v 20–30-kh gg. XVI v. i proiskhozhdenie Nikonovskoi letopisi.” In the collection Drevnerusskoe iskusstvo: Rukopisnaia kniga. Moscow, 1972. Pages 318–37.A. M. SAKHAROV