see MikulovMikulov, Ger. Nikolsburg, town, SE Czech Republic, in Moravia, near the Austrian border. Mikulov was the site in 1621 of the signing of a treaty between Emperor Ferdinand II and Gabriel Bethlen, who renounced his kingship of Hungary.
..... Click the link for more information. , Czech Republic.
Mikulov (Nikolsburg), Treaty of (1621)
a treaty between the Transylvanian prince Gabor Bethlen and the Hapsburg emperor Ferdinand II. Signed on December 31 (copies of the treaty exchanged on Jan. 6, 1622) in the city of Nikolsburg, now Mikulov, Czechoslovakia.
The treaty gave legal expression to the results of the successful campaign of Bethlen’s army against the Hapsburgs (begun in August 1619). According to the treaty, Ferdinand II conferred on Bethlen the title of duke of the Holy Roman Empire and the duchies of Oppeln (Opole) and Ratibor (RacibÓrz). Bethlen renounced his claims to the Hungarian throne and returned the crown and the lands of the Hungarian kingdom he then occupied, except for seven counties, which he was allowed to keep during his lifetime.